If you want to finally get those rock hard abs that you’ve always wanted, you should start off with the best DVD ab workout to build up your core strength and get used to the basic exercises before you attempt those that are more advanced.

Luckily for you, OriGym have put together a list of the top 17 best ab workout DVDs so that you can find the perfect product for you, and take that first step to achieving peak core fitness.

Before you crunch the numbers (see what we did there!), why not get even more involved in your fitness journey by becoming a personal trainer? Have a look at our L3 PT Diploma, or download our free course prospectus to find the right qualification for you.

#1 – Exhale’s Core Fusion: Barre Basics for Beginners

best ab workout dvd for women

Barre is a unique style of training that combines elements of ballet, yoga, and Pilates to provide a low-impact, high-intensity workout, designed to strengthen your whole body, whilst also improving your flexibility and agility.

‘Barre Basics for Beginners’ is part of the ‘Core Fusion’ home workout DVD series, which is designed to target your core, using a range of different training styles. The creators of this series, Elisabeth Halfpapp and Fred DeVito, have been leaders in the barre technique for over 30 years. For this core workout DVD, they compiled their extensive knowledge to create an intense, strengthening workout which can be done in the comfort of your own home.

The core body workout DVD is split up into 7 x 10 minute workouts, which target every muscle in your body, giving you a toned physique as well as improved strength and flexibility. What’s more, each of the workouts come with an in-depth tutorial which explains the correct poses, alignment, and movements.

As the name suggests, ‘Core Fusion: Barre Basics for Beginners’ is the best ab workout DVD for beginners and perfect for those who are completely new to the world of barre. The workouts are short which makes them manageable despite their high intensity, and the tutorials make it easy to learn the correct technique and form.

Moreover, ‘Barre Basics for Beginners’ is also available on Amazon Prime, which is perfect if you want to try out barre training but don’t have a DVD player.

Length of workout(s): 10 minutes

Price: £14.40

#2 – Personal Training with Jackie: Power Circuit Training

stomach workout dvd

This core workout DVD has been created by celebrity trainer and television star, Jackie Warner, to sculpt your body and train your abs from the comfort of your own home. This programme is specifically designed to help you achieve a super-toned and strong physique through a series of powerful and intense abdominal DVD workouts.

This ab workout DVD comes with 5 different workouts for you to choose from, all of which range in length and intensity. The workouts include:

  • 15-Minute Total Body Circuit
  • 40-Minute Total Body Circuit
  • 15-Minute Abs Only Circuit
  • 15-Minute Upper Body Circuit
  • 15-Minute Lower Body Circuit

These workouts are specifically focused on strengthening your muscles, which is why there is very limited cardio in each of the circuits. Therefore, if your goals are purely fat loss, this abdominal workout DVD may not be the one for you. However, if you want to tone up, get fit and build a strong set of abs, ‘Personal Training with Jackie’ is the perfect programme for you.

Overall, this training programme is perfect for anyone who is new to fitness and wants to build some muscle. With one exception, all the workouts last just 15 minutes, making this the best ab workout DVD for beginners and those new to weight training.

It is important to note that the majority of workouts are focused on strength gains, so they do require you to own a set of dumbbells in order to get maximum results.

Length of workout(s): 15 – 40 minutes

Price: £43.24

#3 – Insanity

best ab workout dvds

Insanity goes beyond the traditional core workout DVD parameters, by providing an intense, full-body workout designed to get you stripping back the body fat and revealing those abs!

In this ab exercise DVD, world-famous personal trainer Shaun T not only challenges your physical and mental strength and resilience, but also teaches you the correct technique for performing the exercises, in order to achieve maximum results.

Each of the 10 DVDs uses high-intensity interval (HIIT) style training, with long bursts of maximum intensity exercises that are balanced by short rest periods. The DVDs focus on different areas of this style of training, including:

  • ‘Dig deeper’ and Fitness Test
  • Plyometric Cardio Circuit
  • Cardio, Power and Resistance
  • Cardio Recovery and Max Recovery
  • Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs
  • Core, Cardio and Balance
  • Max Interval Circuit
  • Max Interval Plyo
  • Max Cardio Conditioning
  • Max Recovery

However, before beginning the 60-day full-body conditioning programme, you are recommended to try the ‘Sanity Check’ option every day for one week, to help prepare your mind and body for the challenges to come.

As well as the workout DVDs, Insanity comes with a nutrition guide and a calendar, which will help you to track your workouts. Here at OriGym we think that visual reminders are the best way to measure and see solid progress!

If you’re looking for a full body and total core workout DVD that will push you to your absolute limits, then what are you waiting for? Pick up a copy of Insanity today!

Price: £39.99

Length of workout(s): 26 Minutes

#4 – Pilates 30 Days to Flat Abs with Caroline Sandry

best ab workout dvd dance

When people think of ab training, their minds often go to traditional crunches and sit ups; however, Pilates is also a great way to build a strong core. In this crunchless ab workout DVD, Pilates instructor Caroline Sandry takes you through 7 x 10-minute routines which will leave your abs feeling super strong.

Caroline Sandry understands the importance of having a strong core beyond purely aesthetic reasons. A weak core can result in health issues such as back pain and poor posture, which is why it is so vital to include ab workouts in your training. A strong core will help to support your spine so that you can not only look great but feel great as well!

The ‘Pilates 30 Days to Flat Abs’ DVD consists of 3 levels of training:

  • Level 1 Pilates: this includes Pilates for Posture and Standing Abs
  • Level 2 Pilates: this includes a Core Strengthening workout
  • Level 3 Pilates: this includes a workout called Supercharged Abs

Furthermore, this core body workout DVD also comes with a full Pilates Tutorial which you are encouraged to watch before beginning your training. This allows you to familiarise yourself with standard Pilates terminology and to have a run through the foundational moves of Pilates before using them in the workouts.

As the pace of each of the workouts is fairly manageable, this 10 minute ab workout DVD would be perfect for those who would consider themselves to be a beginner. However, the workouts themselves are still challenging, thus providing the flexibility of moving on to or starting at an intermediate level.

Length of workout(s): 10 minutes

Price: £11.95

#5 – Basic Ab Workout for Dummies

ab fitness dvd

The ‘..for Dummies’ brand offers a wide range of exercise DVDs, including “Pilates for Dummies’, ‘Dance Workout for Dummies’ and ‘Basic Ab Workout For Dummies’. These workout DVDs are simple, easy-to- follow and, most of all, effective. The Basic Ab Workout For Dummies DVD is no exception to this as many happy customers have credited it for strengthening their abs and improving their fitness.

Don’t be fooled by its name, however, as, whilst this DVD may be basic, it is not easy. The core strength workout DVD is 53 minutes long in total, and contains 10 different workouts, each of which target a different area of your core. The workouts include:

  • Basic Crunch
  • Reverse Crunch
  • Double Crunch
  • Oblique Twist
  • Crunch with Leg Extension
  • Bicycles
  • Toe Dipping
  • Abdominal Circles
  • Bent-Knee Plank
  • Plank With Leg Lift

OriGym have a full guide to Oblique Crunches with 13 variations incase you’re interested!

The DVD also comes with warmup and cool-down sessions which will stretch out your muscles to prevent soreness. What’s more,  safety tips are provided to ensure that you don’t injure yourself while exercising. Instructions are provided throughout the DVD which are helpful for those looking to modify the exercises to make them either easier or more challenging.

Overall, this is the best ab workout DVD for its suitability for people of all fitness levels. Whether you are a complete beginner or are more advanced in your training, the Basic Ab Workout For Dummies DVD will provide you with a challenging and effective workout.

Length of workout(s): 53 minutes

Price: £5.89

#6 – Dance That Walk – Total Body Circuit

best stomach workout dvd

Created by certified personal trainer, Gina Buber, ‘Dance That Walk’ combines the toning effects of strength movements with the fat burning effects of walking and dance to get you the results you want from an ab workout DVD and dance.

The DVD contains 3 workouts, each of which contain 4 x 5-minute routines, which alternate between cardio and toning exercises. The cardio routines are made up of 4 dance moves, performed to Latin music, in conjunction with walking, which is used as a base for the other movements. The toning section, on the other hand, contains exercises which will strengthen both your upper and lower body, with a focus on your core.

The workouts are as follows:

  • Total Body Circuit: a 55 – minute workout, which includes a warmup, upper body & lower body training and a cool down.
  • Upper Body Circuit: a 35 – minute workout which includes a warmup, upper body training and a cool down.
  • Lower Body Circuit: a 35 – minute workout which includes a warmup, lower body training and a cool down.

This core strength workout DVD is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels, as there is always room for modifications, should you need a lower impact option for the exercises. Not only that, but the workouts can be made more challenging should you choose to add weights to your training.

Length of workout(s): 35 – 55 minutes

Price: £10.95

#7 – Exhale’s Core Fusion: Pure Abs & Arms

best workout dvd for flat stomach

Part of Exhale’s ‘Core Fusion’ series, ‘Pure Arms & Abs’ is an at-home upper body and stomach workout DVD, specifically designed to give you rock hard abs and toned arms all from the comfort of your own living room.

The core workout DVD consists of 5 x 10-minute workouts which will work your entire upper body. The workouts are as follows:

  • Upper Body Weights: this is an intense, strength-building workout which targets every muscle in your arms.
  • Upper Body Resistance band: again, this is a workout which is designed to build strength in the upper body, with a specific focus on the triceps.
  • Abdominals resistance band & mat: this workout is completed ab-focused, using a range of Pilates-style movements to really get your core burning.
  • Abdominal Curl with Leg Variations: this workout targets your core through a combination of Pilates-style movements and more traditional ab exercises.
  • Upper Body, Back & Hip Stretches: this section is all about giving your muscles the relief they need at the end of a tough workout. Stretching them out not only feels good but will also help to prevent soreness and injury.

When you purchase ‘Pure Arms & Abs’, you will receive a long resistance band, which is necessary for some of the workouts. However, you will also need a set of dumbbells for the ‘Upper Body Weights’ workout in order to get the most out of the training session.

The length of the workouts in this DVD (just 10 minutes) make them very beginner friendly. However, it is also possible to make the workouts more challenging by doing all/ a combination of the workouts together. For this reason, ‘Pure Arms & Abs’ is a suitable 10 minute ab workout DVD for those at both a beginner and an intermediate level, although the workouts may be too easy for people who are at a very advanced level of fitness.

Length of workout(s): 10 minutes

Price: £9.57

#8 – Kathy Smith: Tummy Trimmer

abdominal workout dvd

Kathy Smith is a veteran of the home workout industry and has produced countless different DVDs over the years. Amongst these DVDs is her ‘Tummy Trimmer’ ab workout DVD, perfect for helping you strengthen your core and burn fat.

Tummy Trimmer comprises  5 x 10-minute workouts:

  • Standing Abs: This workout combines dance-style exercises and standing functional movements, which will burn calories, whilst also strengthening your core.
  • Core Abs: This workout is all about targeting every one of your core muscles to give you that neat, hourglass shape.
  • Boot Camp Abs: This is a challenging workout that uses traditional ab exercises to really strengthen your core.
  • Stability Ball Abs: This workout is designed to improve your balance and agility, helping you to burn fat whilst developing skills that will benefit you in your day to day life.
  • Pilates Mat Abs: This is a Pilates-based workout which will help you to perfect your posture and shrink your waist.

The workouts on this ab exercise DVD are suitable for people of different abilities, from complete beginners to those of a more intermediate level. If you are looking to ease yourself into ab training, you can do the workouts one at a time. Alternatively, if you feel you want a more intense training session, you can mix and match the different workouts on this standing ab workout DVD or do them one after the other.

Length of workout(s): 10 minutes

Price: $12.99 (international shipping)

#9 – Strong by Zumba

core workout dvds

STRONG by Zumba is a full-body workout led by music, and now you can perform it from the comfort of your own home thanks to this ab fitness DVD!

This Zumba core workout DVD uses only bodyweight with muscle conditioning, cardio, and plyometric exercises to help you burn fat and tone your abs, as well as your arms, legs, and glutes.

Led by fitness celebrity Michelle Lewin, the workouts are powered with a custom STRONG by Zumba soundtrack. If you’re looking for the best ab workout DVD, then this makes STRONG a strong contender, as you’re guaranteed to have fun whilst also toning those abs!

With a 20-minute demo workout and tips on technique throughout, strong is more than suitable for beginners, so don’t be put off if you’ve never done Zumba before.

Having said this, Lewin offers many progressions and modifications to the routines, meaning that it is also a great ab exercise DVD for intermediate and advanced participants.

Whether you’re looking to become leaner, fitter, and stronger, or just want some fun whilst training your abs, then this STRONG by Zumba core workout DVD may just be the one for you!

Price: £3.15

Length of Workout(s): 60 Minutes

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#10 – Jillian Michaels: 6 Week Six Pack

best ab workout dvd

Created by world-renowned fitness trainer, Jillian Michaels, the ‘6 Week Six Pack’ programme is just one of her extremely successful home abdominal workout DVDs. These workout DVDs are extremely popular amongst home fitness enthusiasts all over the world.

Jillian Michaels’ 6 Week Six Pack could be the best ab exercise DVD for you that promises to get you a ripped core in just 6 short weeks through a combination of ab-focused cardio circuits and core exercises. The DVD comes with 2 x 30-minute workouts: Level 1 & 2. The programme suggests that you perform Level 1 for the first 3 weeks of your training, then progressing to Level 2 for a more intense, challenging workout.

Level 1 of the ab workout DVD includes a dynamic, full-body warmup to get your muscles ready for an intense workout. The workout itself consists of 2 circuits, made up of a mix of cardio and ab exercises, designed to burn fat, whilst strengthening your core. Afterwards, there is a full-body cool down and stretch to reduce the risk of soreness the next day.

The intensity is then taken up a notch in Level 2, starting with a fast-paced warmup that will kick-start your metabolism. After you have completed the warm-up, you move on to the main training session. This is an explosive and intense abdominal DVD workout, aimed at maximising fat burn and helping to build up your core. Finally, your session finishes with a cool down and stretch session to stretch out and unwind.

The intensity of this programme may be too much for some beginners, but it’s the best ab workout DVD for those who are currently at an intermediate level of fitness and are looking to really push themselves.

Length of workout(s): 30 minutes

Price: £4.40

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#11 – 10 Minute Solution – Quick Tummy Toners

no crunch ab workout dvd

10 Minute Solution has a wide variety of different home workout DVDs which are designed to target different parts of the body, for example, ‘10 Minute Solution Belly, Butt and Thigh blasters’. There is one thing that all of 10 Minute Solution’s workouts have in common which is, as the name suggests, that they only take 10 minutes. This means that, regardless of how short you are on time, there is no excuse not to get your workout done.

With 10 Minute Solution’s ‘Quick Tummy Toners’ core workout DVD, you get 5 x 10 – minute workouts, which are designed to help you burn fat and build up your ab muscles. The best DVD ab workout will be really challenging, and this DVD contains a wide variety of effective, ab-focused exercises. As well as traditional ab exercises like crunches, Quick Tummy Toners’ workouts also include entire segments of yoga and Pilates-style movements that really target your obliques.

In addition to the core workouts, this core exercise DVD also includes a designated cardio section to help you to burn fat and reveal your newly toned abs.

This is the best abdominal workout DVD if you are looking for a quick training session, as each of the workouts are just 10 minutes long. However, if you are looking for something more challenging, you can combine the workouts, doing a few in a row to get a more intense training session. What’s more, no matter how many times you repeat the 10 minute ab workout DVD, the constantly varying movements in each of the workouts ensure that you will never get bored.

Whilst the workouts are brief, they are very challenging and contain some complex movements that may be too challenging for beginners. For this reason, ‘Quick Tummy Toners’ would be better suited to those at an intermediate fitness level.

Length of workout(s): 10 minutes

Price: £3.96

#12 – Joe Wicks Lean in 15 Workouts

dvds for core workout

From the man behind ‘The Body Coach’ and ‘PE with Joe’, this is the perfect ab workout DVD for women, men, and children alike!

Not only does Joe Wicks create deliciously nutritious recipes that can be cooked up in just 15 minutes, but in this total core workout DVD he offers 15-minute high-intensity workouts.

These time-efficient workouts are designed to be performed 4 or 5 times a week, and aim to get you ‘Lean in 15’, and to help you get visible abs!

The DVD contains 8 workouts, as well as a warm up, a cool down, and a killer 30-minute graduation workout to aim for as you progress through the shorter workouts, which will really test your strength and resilience.

If your motivation alone isn’t enough to encourage you to exercise, then perhaps the fact that each workout is performed in the stunning location of Lake Como, Italy, will make you want to get up and out of your chair, and get your body moving.

Alongside this, Lean in 15 contains a 24-page ‘How To’ exercise guide which demonstrates the right technique for each exercise. This is therefore a great ab fitness DVD for beginners!

At just £3.58 for almost 3 hours of workouts, this is an absolute steal for one of the best ab workout DVDs on the market!

Price: £3.58

Length of Workout(s): 15 Minutes

#13 – Focus T25

crunchless ab workout dvd

Focus T25 is one of the vastly popular home workout DVDs created by the world- famous trainer, Shaun T. Focus T25 is all about providing short, intense workouts that will help you to burn fat and strengthen your core in just 25 minutes.

Focus T25 is more than just a selection of workouts for a total core workout DVD, as it includes a number of other tools to help you get the most out of your fitness journey.  These include:

  • A quick 3-step guide to get you started;
  • A 6-week motivational fitness journal;
  • A complete nutrition guide;
  • Two calendars to help you keep track of the workouts once they have been  completed;
  • A 5-day ‘fast track’ nutrition guide to help you dial in your nutrition; and
  • A Focus T25 Spotify Playlist to get you pumped for your workouts.

The workouts in the Focus T25 programme combine cardio, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and bodyweight training, as well as recovery sessions. The workouts are split up into 3 sections: Alpha, Beta and Gamma; they are designed to be completed in that order. Each section contains 4-7 workouts, all focusing on a different style of training. These include, for example:

  • Cardio;
  • Total Body Circuit;
  • Ab Intervals;
  • Dynamic Core;
  • Speed; and
  • Rip’t Up.

No equipment is needed for any of the Focus T25 core DVD workouts; however, both a resistance band and jump mat are optional extras. If you’re looking for some great resistance bands then check out our article on the 13 best resistance bands first to find the best ones for improving your strength!

Unlike other ab workout DVDs, Focus T25 comes in the form of a subscription to ‘Beachbody On Demand’: an online platform for fitness programmes. This subscription gives you access to more than 1500 world-class Beachbody workouts, fitness guides, workout calendars, meal plans and recipes, as well as a free personal fitness coach.

It is important to note that this programme is best suited to those who are at an intermediate level of fitness, as the intensity of the workouts may be too much for those currently at beginner level.

Length of workout(s): 25 minutes

Price: £29 – £74 a month

#14 – Davina: Toned In 10

best workout dvd for stomach fat

Davina McCall has built an entire fitness empire around her home workout DVDs, which have sold over 2 million copies worldwide. One of her most recent DVDs is the extremely popular ‘Toned in 10’, designed to burn fat and build muscle – all in just 10 minutes!

Whilst this core body workout DVD is not specifically centred around abs, it focuses on fat burn and full body toning, which will help you to strengthen your core along with the rest of your body. This DVD is split up into 10 sections, each of which lasts just 10 minutes and targets a different area of the body.

If calorie-burn is high on your list of priorities, you will enjoy the Power Box workout, which will help to tone up your arms, whilst giving you a great cardiovascular training session. There is also a very intense HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout, perfect for burning fat.

The other workouts included in this fitness DVD are as follows:

  • Strength and Resist,
  • Flex and Flow,
  • Tone and Define,
  • Arms,
  • Glutes, and
  • Abs.

The workouts in this DVD, whilst only 10 minutes long, can be very challenging as they move at a fast pace and contain some complicated exercises. For this reason, ‘Toned in 10’ could be the best workout DVD for toning the stomach and is better suited to those at either an intermediate or advanced level of fitness.

Length of workout(s): 10 minutes

Price: £3.06

#15 – Hip Hop Abs: Level 2

best standing ab workout dvd

Hip Hop Abs is possibly Shaun T’s most famous core workout DVD and the first one he ever created with the fitness platform, Beachbody. If Hip Hop Abs sounds like fun to you, that’s because it is! It is a fast-paced and challenging dance ab workout DVD,  designed to target every area of your core, using a range of cardio and ab exercises.

As well as being fun, you can be sure that Hip Hop Abs works, because the creator himself, Shaun T, used the programme to lose a whopping 50 pounds!

When you purchase this ab workout DVD, it comes with 2 discs. On Disc 1, you will find 2 workouts: Fat Burning Cardio 2 & Ab Sculpt 2. Fat Burning Cardio 2 is 45 minutes long in total, including a short warm up and cool down. The workout itself is an all-standing routine, which utilises Shaun T’s “tilt, tuck, tighten” method, great for engaging your core and possibly the best standing ab workout DVD on this list.

Ab Sculpt 2, is only 33 minutes long in total, again including a short warm up and cool down. As the name would suggest, this workout focuses more on core work, whilst still maintaining a cardiovascular element. The workout consists of a variety of ab exercises, all of which can be performed with a weight if you want to increase the intensity. Definitely the best stomach workout DVD out of the two!

Disc 2 of the ab workouts DVD includes the final workout, ‘Total Body Burn 2’, as well as a bonus routine called, ‘Get Abs or Die Trying’. Total Body Burn 2 is 45 minutes long in total, including a warmup and cool down. The workout alternates between cardio exercises and more strengthening movements, where there is the option to incorporate weights. This workout is arguably the most challenging one on the DVD and is guaranteed to give you a full-body burn as well as a great core DVD workout.

As it works at such a fast pace, beginners may find Hip Hop Abs: Disk 2, too challenging. The programme instead would be the best ab workout DVD for men and women at an intermediate or advanced level of fitness.

Length of workout(s): 33 – 45 minutes

Price: £6.69

#16 – Jillian Michaels: Killer Abs

best ab dvd workout

This is the best ab workout DVD that’s part of Jillian Michaels’ 4-part ‘Killer’ series, which includes Killer Body, Killer Arms & Back, Killer Buns & Glutes as well as Killer Abs. All of the workouts in this series are very intense, specifically targeting and toning different areas of your body: this is definitely the best workout DVD for a flat stomach! Killer Abs is made up of 3 x 30-minute workouts which progressively get more challenging: Level 1, 2 & 3.

In terms of equipment, Level 1 requires a set of dumbbells, a fitness mat and sliding disks. The workout itself consists of 4 fast-moving circuits, all of which are full of a mix of classic and more dynamic core exercises, such as inch worms and plank jacks. The workout also incorporates a number of cardio movements, such as high knees and jump rope drills to really get your heart racing.

For Level 2 of this hardcore abdominal workout DVD, you will also require a fitness mat and a variety of dumbbells, some heavier and lighter than the ones used in Level 1. The workout is again made up of 4 separate circuits, which contain slightly more challenging movements than those in Level 1. This workout is designed to work your entire upper body, sculpting your arms and shoulders, through exercises like push ups and chest presses.

For Level 3, you will require the same mat and dumbbells that you used in Level 1. This workout is definitely the most challenging of the three and includes a number of complex moves, guaranteed to make you sweat. In keeping with its name ‘Killer Abs’, the exercises used in this workout are very core-focused, with a lot of plank variations and crunches throughout to get your abs working. Probably not the best core exercise DVD if you’re looking for a no crunch ab workout DVD instead!

What’s more, all of the workouts come with a warm-up, which enables you to properly limber up for the main training session, as well as a cool-down so that you can unwind and stretch out after the workout.

Overall, this is one of Jillian Michaels’ more complicated ab workouts DVDs, which could mean many of the movements would be too challenging for complete beginners. Therefore, ‘Killer Abs’ is better suited to those at an advanced level of fitness.

Length of workout(s): 30 minutes

Price: £12.00

#17 – Core de Force

best workout dvd for toning stomach

Core de Force is a core strengthening workout programme more than an ab workout DVD, which combines Mixed Martial Arts, cardio, bodyweight and core training, as well as recovery and mobility work. Each workout in this programme is designed to take inches off your waist and give you total-body definition.

In addition to the workouts, Core de Force also comes with a number of other features to help you stay on track with your fitness journey. They include:

  • A quick 3-step guide to get you started;
  • A step-by-step eating plan to help you maximise your results;
  • A food tracker to help you keep track of your servings as you follow the eating plan;
  • A workout calendar and a deluxe calendar;
  • Three deluxe workouts to help you build more speed, strength, and power; and
  • A hybrid calendar which incorporates high-intensity workouts from Core de Force with workouts from other fitness programs.

The workouts in Core de Force are split into a number of sections, each of which targets a different style of training. Their Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) workouts include: MMA Speed, Shred, Power and Plyo. If you have never done MMA training before, each of these workouts come with a short introductory video which walks you through the movements before the main training session gets started.

Other workouts included in the Core de Force programme include:

  • Dynamic Strength;
  • Power Sculpt;
  • Core Kinetics;
  • 5–Minute Core on the Floor; and
  • Active Recovery.

This total core workout DVD is different to the others, and is more like the Shaun T ‘Focus T25’ programme: Core de Force is accessed through a monthly subscription to ‘Beachbody On Demand’. This means that, whilst this programme is more expensive than some of the other core strength workout DVDs on this list, once you purchase the subscription, you have access to more than 1500 other workouts and nutrition guides.

This could be the best workout DVD for stomach fat loss for you, and similar to the other Beachbody programme ‘Focus T25’, this programme is best suited to those who are at an advanced level of fitness, as beginners may find it too challenging.

Length of workout(s): 5 – 47 minutes

Price: £29 – £74 a month

Do Ab DVDs work?

The effectiveness of ab workout DVDs depends heavily on what other exercises you’re doing as well as the DVDs, and what exactly your end goal is with using abdominal workout DVDS. Unfortunately, spot training the abs is an exercise myth and won’t induce belly fat loss with only this one type of workout. If this is your goal, we recommend that you perform a variety of compound exercises, which are exercises that engage multiple muscle groups at the same time, such as the trap bar deadlift or the landmine squat.

Ab DVD workouts do work in the sense that they will improve your muscle tone, definition, and strength over time, but to maximise your gains they should be used in conjunction with other types of exercises. Whilst you may think doing 100 crunches a day is the best way to get rock-hard abs, there are actually other more effective exercises that will really engage your core and get you fit!

Exercises that torch body fat whilst engaging the core include push ups & variations, hanging knee raises and renegade rows to name a few.

When to use ab workout DVDs?

ab workout dvd image

Working out your core is incredibly important – you improve your posture, reduce fatigue, lessen lower back pain, and your core ultimately has a role in almost every movement of your body! We have a great article on how to engage your core so check it out to make sure you’re working out as efficiently as possible!

However, there is always the possibility of overtraining your abs so make sure you incorporate rest days into your workout routines – read through our article on the importance of rest days here to get all the info – but generally conduct ab DVD workouts 3 or 4 times a week.

We recommend conducting ab/core specific exercises either during or after your main workout, as this ensures that your muscles are warmed up sufficiently and will reduce the likelihood of injury. If you are only doing an ab DVD workout, then make sure you fully warm up (and cool down) to make sure you don’t strain your muscles!

Remember, everyone’s body is different so what may be suitable for Jillian Michaels or Shaun T may not be the best for you! Take the time to see how your body responds to your ab DVD at different times to really get the most out of it.

Before you go!

Hopefully this article has made you sit up (another ab pun!) in your chair and decide which is the best ab workout DVD for you. You’ll be showing off your washboard abs in no time!

Keep an eye on the prices as they regularly go up and down on sites like Amazon UK, so you should be able to get a great deal.

If you want to take your fitness further than just great abs then why not start a career in personal training with OriGym’s level 3 personal training diploma? Download our latest course prospectus as well to discover the full range of courses that we offer.

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About the Author: Dee Hammond-Blackburn

Dee OriGym Author
Dee holds a BA (Hons) in English Literature, and is currently finishing her MA in Marketing Communications and Branding from Edge Hill University. Her passion for fitness and content writing brought her to OriGym, and she has since become a qualified Personal Trainer and a Sports Nutrition Specialist. Combining her skills in fitness and writing, Dee has a professional interest in fitness blogging, content creation, and social media. Outside of her writing role Dee enjoys reading, healthy cooking, and playing football with her dalmation.

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