Learning how to become a hot yoga instructor is a beneficial career path to pursue, especially for those with an existing passion for the craft.

At OriGym, we’ve curated a definitive guide on this process, where we’ll discuss everything from hot yoga instructor training to tips for how to advance your career even further.

But, before you can begin your career, you must first become qualified. OriGym’s Level 3 Yoga Teacher Diploma is an industry-leading certification, which acts as your first step in becoming a yoga teacher.

Learn all about this course and its content by downloading our FREE course prospectus.


What Is Hot Yoga

How to become a hot yoga instructor

Before learning how to become a hot yoga instructor, you must have, at the very least, a basic understanding of what the practice entails.

For all newcomers, hot yoga is a specialised practice in which yoga is conducted in a heated environment above 27 degrees celsius.

Note, this is merely an estimated average, and specific studios may have their own classifications in place.

In addition to the alterations in temperature, many hot yoga sessions feature the inclusion of soothing music, and gentle verbal interactions between client and instructor.

Many yogis often mistakenly consider Bikram yoga to be the only existing form of hot yoga. This is largely due to the fact that studios and gyms will use the terms ‘hot’ and ‘Bikram’ interchangeably.

How to become a Hot yoga instructor intro

However, Bikram is merely a popular trademarked practice that consists of a rigid structure and rules that must be met each and every session.

These specifics ensure that all sessions around the world are identical, leaving little room for difference or individuality.

In contrast, ‘hot yoga’ simply refers to a general term given to any class which has altered its room temperature above 27 degrees.

There are no set sequences or specific asanas, and the practice can include teachings from other variations of yoga, including:

  • Vinyasa Flow
  • Hatha
  • Yin Yoga

Therefore, due to the differences in practice, and the highly specific nature of this job role, we’d advise all interested parties to instead read our article analysing how to become a Bikram yoga instructor.

Despite not having its own asanas or sequences, this doesn’t mean that simply anyone can teach hot yoga.

In order to become an instructor, you must hold specialist teaching qualifications, the specifics of which we will cover in the next section.

What Qualifications Do You Need to Become a Hot Yoga Instructor?

Qualified hot yoga training

Hot yoga instructor training can be broken down into two separate qualifications, both of which are vital in ensuring that you become certified to lead classes and private sessions.

At OriGym, both our Yoga Teacher Training Courses have been regulated by Ofqual, guaranteeing them to be industry-leading certifications.

With this in mind, this section will be dedicated to discussing how each course can help to further your career prospects.

#1 – Level 3 Diploma in Teaching Yoga

How to become a hot yoga instructor qualifications

This introductory qualification will certify you to teach yoga in both group base and one-to-one settings. These sessions can be conducted in a variety of locations including:

  • Yoga studios
  • Gyms
  • Spas
  • Clients’ homes
  • Privately owned fitness centers

Once you have completed your enrollment, you’ll begin learning how to become a hot yoga instructor through a blended learning program.

This is an incredibly beneficial approach to studying, as it allows you to fit your qualifications around your existing lifestyle.

Through blended learning, your hot yoga instructor training will consist of two main components:

  • Online learning through our state of the art E-learning platform
  • Practical yoga workshop weekends, which will be hosted in one of OriGym’s chosen national locations.

On average, this course will take a total of 4 months to complete. Each student regardless of their experience level, will receive 400 hours of guided learning from our team of expert tutors, as well as access to our bespoke online resources, lectures, and tutorials.

During your Level 3 yoga instructor training you’ll be assessed in the following methods:

Hot yoga instructor training qualification


  • Anatomy & Physiology – Assignments and online exam (Open book – Multiple choice)
  • Principles of Exercise and Health – Assignments and online exam (Open book – Multiple choice)
  • The Moving Body – Assignments and online exam (Open book – Multiple choice)
  • Supporting Clients – Assignments


  • Applying Philosophy By Leading A Class – Case Study and Practical
  • Plan And Deliver A Meditation Session – Case Study and Practical

During these practical assessments, you will cover different types of yoga, and will be asked to demonstrate a variety of asanas and transitions for your examiner.

In order to prepare for this practical examination, you must first complete a total of 50 hours of independent practice, which can include your own in-person classes, retreats, or online video sessions.

Please Note: These hours do not include your weekend workshops with OriGym, and should instead be logged into the e-learning platform of your own accord.

Hot yoga instructor training job

Upon completing this qualification, you’ll then be able to apply for holistic yoga instructor job roles, such as the one advertised above.

Jobs advertisements such as these will typically not mention a specific type or variation of yoga – they’ll simply refer to the practice holistically.

In this instance, we can see that the desired applicant must be confident in leading holistic classes, and needs to have a general understanding of the practice of yoga.

This is what the Level 3 Yoga Teaching Diploma will provide to students, but for those looking to specialise in an area such as hot yoga specifically, you need to take your yoga education further.

#2 – Level 4 Diploma in Yoga Teaching

Certificate hot yoga instructor training

In order to enroll on a Level 4 Diploma in yoga teaching, you must first complete the Level 3 as a necessary prerequisite.

This qualification is absolutely essential if you intend on pursuing a career as a hot yoga instructor!

In this course, you will expand upon the existing knowledge acquired within the Level 3 Yoga Teaching diploma, by selecting a variation that you wish to specialise in.

At OriGym, aside from offering hot yoga, we provide our students with different choices of yoga, meaning they can:

Whilst all of these variations are beneficial in their own right, for the purpose of this article we are solely focusing on the qualification from a hot yoga perspective.

Similar to the Level 3 diploma, this course will typically take students an average of 4 months to complete, and will again be taught through a blended learning approach.

laptop thumbs up hot yoga instructor training

Once you’re successfully enrolled you will learn from our team of expert tutors, who will be on hand to guide you through the following modules:

  • Teaching yoga as a profession
  • Understanding the philosophy and spiritual principles of yoga
  • Yogic breathing styles
  • Teaching asanas to mixed ability students
  • Planning and delivering yoga sessions
  • Speciality module (hot yoga in this instance)

Once you have qualified from this course, you’ll have a better understanding of the history and benefits of hot yoga.

This in turn will make you an ideal candidate for roles within specialised hot yoga studios and locations such as HotPod.

Hotpod Hot yoga Instructor training

This is a popular yoga studio chain that specialises in offering ONLY hot yoga sessions.

At this specific chain of studios, classes are always conducted at 37 degrees within an inflatable studio, specifically designed to provide a calming environment for yogis of all skill levels.

In short, a specialised Level 4 Diploma will provide you with a plethora of knowledge and experience to pull from when applying for these roles.

How to become a hot yoga instructor with Hotpod

Just be sure to feature this qualification and experience prominently throughout your yoga instructor CV, in order to really sell yourself to the employer.

But of course, there are other factors, such as salary, which may also determine whether or not a job is suitable for you.

The Average Salary of a Hot Yoga Instructor

Hot yoga instructor salary

When discussing how to become a hot yoga instructor, the topic of salary could sway some individuals either towards or away from the profession.

According to Payscale the average salary of a yoga instructor is £21.85 per hour, bringing their yearly earnings to anywhere between £19K-68K.

From this statistic alone, we could clearly state that, in the right hands, a career as a yoga instructor has the potential to be highly lucrative.

However, these statistics should be taken with a pinch of salt and cannot be viewed as completely reliable.

How to become a hot yoga instructor money

This is due to the fact that this is merely an average salary generated from statistics provided by the site’s users.

It fails to take into account the many external factors that can influence a hot yoga instructor’s final salary.

For starters, these sites also fail to take into account how industry-based experience can reflect your pay.

For example, a hot yoga instructor who has only just achieved their Level 4 Teaching Diploma will not earn the same amount as someone who has been teaching for 10+ years.

Realistically, if you fall under the latter category you could charge even more than £21.85 for your time, citing your knowledge and experience as a premium teaching experience.

How to become a hot yoga instructor salary

The screenshot above provided by Jobted offers a little more clarity on this matter, arguing that newly qualified instructors could earn just £10.00 an hour, whereas those with experience would bring in £36.00.

However, the site fails to provide a timeframe for each section, leaving readers to question how long you have to work in order to be regarded as ‘experienced’?.

Furthermore, neither Jobted nor Payscale distinguish salaries of the various different types of yoga, and instead merely lump the occupation under the holistic term ‘yoga instructor’.

From this, we cannot determine whether this salary accurately reflects that of a specialist hot yoga instructor, or one belonging to someone else.

However, given the advanced nature of Level 4 in Yoga training, we can safely assume that the salary will be competitive, and reflect the specialism you’ve developed over your learning.

Furthermore, once you have gained the necessary career experience you’ll be able to command a greater salary, and charge your clients more per session. This will allow you to separate job vacancies into categories and determine which are worth applying for.

Career Options for Qualified Hot Yoga Instructors

How to Become a Hot yoga instructor jobs

Yoga instructors are in high demand across the entire world, and for this reason, a simple search on employment sites could potentially pull up thousands of results.

However, please be aware that once you have learned how to become a hot yoga instructor there is no one set way to become employed.

Instead, you could choose to pursue either a full-time contract in a set location or the more popular freelance route.

#1 – Working as a Freelance Hot Yoga Instructor

How to Become a Hot yoga instructor freelance jobs

Many newly qualified and experienced yoga instructors choose to pursue a career as a freelancer.

This is mainly due to the fact that there are significantly more employment opportunities in this sector.

In this role, you’re in complete control of every aspect of your professional life, allowing you to teach hot yoga at a time and location that suits your needs and existing schedule.

In addition to this, working as a freelance instructor also allows you to expand your reach beyond hot yoga, freeing you up to teach other classes too.

This makes it the ideal role for a candidate who is looking to use the knowledge and experience acquired in both their general Level 3 & specialised Level 4 Yoga Teacher Qualification.

Freelance How to Become a hot yoga instructor

The daily roles and responsibilities of a freelance yoga instructor will incorporate everything you learn during these qualifications, as you can see from the job advertisement above for Trax Performance:

Within the ‘Responsibilities/Expectations’ section, we can see just how important a general  Level 3 qualification is.

Without this entry-level qualification, you wouldn’t have the necessary expertise to be able to perform such duties as:

  • Leading a class
  • Providing demonstrations
  • Offering training recommendations

Additionally, please note how we have highlighted that this vacancy requires applicants to hold a minimum of 200 hours of yoga teaching qualification.

On average, most yoga instructor roles, regardless of whether they’re freelance or contracted, will require you to hold this qualification as a bare minimum.

Hot yoga instructor pose

However, at OriGym we have gone above and beyond this minimum in order to ensure our students are highly qualified candidates.

As we’ve already touched on, both our Level 3 & 4 courses will award graduates with 400 hours worth of yoga teaching.

Furthermore, please be aware that, when applying for freelance roles such as our example, you may not directly see the words ‘hot yoga’ is used.

Instead, employers will typically state that they are looking for qualified candidates who can teach ‘a variety of different classes’.

Empowerplan become hot yoga instructor

An example of this type of employment can be seen in the Indeed advertisement above. Here, we can clearly see that the employer will contact the freelance yoga instructor when clients have shown interest in their advertised sessions.

In this instance, by completing a general certification followed by a specialist Level 4 yoga teacher training qualification, you could realistically be put forward for multiple job opportunities to teach both hot yoga and holistic classes.

As a result, you could be earning twice as much money as you would in a contracted role, simply because you are not confined to one studio or variation of yoga.

How to become a hot toga instructor with money

Therefore, if a freelance application such as the one featured above, does not mention the word ‘hot yoga’ directly, you can still apply.

Just be sure to mention your passion and willingness to teach hot yoga within your cover letter and CV.

#2 – Contracted Roles as a Hot Yoga Instructor

Becoming a hot yoga instructor full time

Before we begin, we must clarify that contracted roles are somewhat harder to come across if you’re looking to become a hot yoga instructor, but that does not mean they’re impossible to find.

Typically, contracted hot yoga instructor roles can be offered by the following venues:

  • Studios
  • Gyms
  • Spas
  • Exercise Referral Centers
  • Yoga Retreats

For contracted roles within the first four types of venues, you could realistically use general employment-based websites such as Indeed and Glassdoor, or more specialist fitness jobs boards like Leisure Jobs.

With these sites, you will be able to search through advertisements similar to those featured within the freelance section.

How to become a hot yoga instructor with a contract

However, due to the somewhat niche nature of this job role, searching these general sites can be challenging and may not result in immediate success.

But don’t worry, there are always industry-specific websites to turn to instead.

For example, if you’d like to pursue a contracted role as a hot yoga instructor who regularly participates in retreats, we’d recommend using YogaTravelJobs.

Hot Yoga Instructor Training online

From the screenshot provided above, we can see that there are currently 230 available jobs found for the search term hot yoga.

This number grows by the day, as thousands of employers from across the world use YogaTravelJobs to regularly advertise vacancies for studios and retreats.

This particular site proves that honing your job search onto industry-specific sites may be more beneficial when pursuing contracted roles as a hot yoga instructor.

At OriGym, we’re aware that travelling to various retreats is a big commitment and not always suitable for everyone, which is why you can still become a hot yoga instructor without even leaving your local area.

How to become a hot yoga instructor in London

In order to do so, we advise approaching a specialist hot yoga studio directly in order to make an enquiry about employment.

These venues are far more common than you may think. The Google Map displayed above shows the sheer amount in London alone.

Similar to HotSpot which we looked at earlier, many of these studios will have a section of their website dedicated to recruiting new team members.

For example, check out this screenshot from Hot Yoga House where you will find advertisements for multiple job vacancies within their vicinity.

become a hot yoga instructor with hot house

Therefore, we can conclude that in order to become a hot yoga instructor with a contracted role, you may need to research studios within your local area.

If you find one that you feel will be a good match for you, be sure to read their website in detail for further information on how you can join their team.

Potential Career Progression Options for Hot Yoga Instructors

How to get a job as a hot yoga instructor

Of course, these aren’t the ONLY career options that are available to you, as once you have learned how to become a hot yoga instructor you can shape the role to your liking.

Within this section, we’re going to discuss several possible avenues that you could actively pursue upon the completion of your specialist Level 4 Yoga Teaching Diploma.

#1 – Start Your Own Hot Yoga Studio

Become a hot yoga instructor at a studio

As discussed within the previous section of this article, approaching hot yoga studios directly is sometimes the best way to receive an offer of employment.

But what if you could cut out the middleman and run your very own studio instead?

Whilst this career progression route does require serious dedication and an efficiently crafted yoga business plan, it can also be highly rewarding and provide you with benefits such as:

  • Being able to focus solely on your passion for hot yoga
  • Flexible working hours
  • Creative freedom for your studio’s branding
  • Deciding on who you want to work, and who you want to employ
  • Higher earning potential than most other roles

If you decide to pursue this career option, be sure to do some market research in order to determine who your direct competitors will be.

How to become a hot yoga instructor with your own studio

By simply typing ‘hot yoga studios near me’ into Google you will be met with results that directly list your local competition.

Following this, you can studio their studios in order to determine how you can make yours different and better for the end-user.

If you find that there is little to no existing competition within your local area then you have the opportunity to capitalise on a gap in the market, and provide hot yoga lovers with the experience they’ve been missing out on.

Please be aware that this career route will require a vast knowledge of the industry. As such, this may be better suited for veteran yogis, rather than those who have just learned how to become a hot yoga instructor.

#2 – Franchise an Existing Hot Yoga Studio

Become a hot yoga instructor with a franchise

This is somewhat similar to the role mentioned above, but with the key difference being that by franchising a business you are operating as part of a commercialised chain, rather than an independent studio.

As the leading provider for hot yoga sessions within the UK, HotPod is an example of a business that allows others to franchise a branch for themselves.

Some may review this career as less ‘risky’ than starting your own independent studio, as by franchising a business you instantly have:

  • A brand which is instantly recognisable
  • A built-in group of followers
  • Support from existing business owners and corporate partners
  • A unique approach to hot yoga which has proven to be successful

Become a hot yoga instructor with a franchise #2

With all this added support and beneficial properties, it’s easy to see why the option to franchise a business is so popular.

However, again we must stress the importance of market research. If you’re located in a small town or city with an existing branch, a business may become difficult.

Always use the franchise’s main website to see if there are any branches within your immediate vicinity.

#3 – Run Your Own Hot Yoga Retreats

Hot yoga instructor training retreats

Operating your own yoga retreat may sound intimidating at first, but in reality it’s just as challenging as any of the other jobs to feature within this list.

For those who are unfamiliar with this term, a yoga retreat refers to a trip or holiday taken by a yoga instructor and their clients.

Here, both parties can unwind with relaxing yoga and meditation sessions, all whilst enjoying the many amenities that the location offers.

Become Hot yoga instructor leading retreats

Due to the somewhat expensive nature of yoga retreats, this role may be better suited for hot yoga instructors who already have industry-based experience and a solid foundation of clients.

Without either of these factors, you will lack the finances and confidence required to organise a trip of this magnitude.

Some of the top yoga holidays and escapes, retreats in the UK can cost anywhere between £200-600, whereas those hosted abroad can cost anywhere up to £2,000+.

Become Hot yoga instructor leading retreats 2

Whilst these statistics may be daunting for inexperienced instructors, for others with experience they will highlight how financially rewarding retreats could potentially be.

Some factors which influence the overall pricing of these trips include:

  • Travel to the Location (Typically in relation to your primary studio)
  • Duration
  • Food and Accommodation
  • The Type of Yoga on Offer
  • The Number of Classes Taught

However, with the right experience and dedicated group of clients, you could realistically charge any amount of money for a retreat of your choosing.

All of the career prospects to feature within this list can be achieved with the right determination and work ethic.

However, these aren’t the only skills required in order to find success as a hot yoga instructor.

Skills Needed To Become a Hot Yoga Instructor

Become a hot yoga instructor skills

In this section, we’re going to explore the necessary skill set that all hot yoga instructors must-have.

In order to contextualise these points further, we will also discuss the consequences of not developing these skills, before sharing steps on how they can be strengthened.

#1 – Passion for Hot Yoga

Hot yoga instructor passion

If you’re searching ‘how to become a hot yoga instructor’, we can safely assume you already have this passion instilled within you.

When operating within the role of an instructor your clients will feed off your energy and mirror it back to you during your sessions.

Therefore, if you’re not fully passionate about the practice of hot yoga, then your clients will pick up on this energy and in turn show a lack of motivation and drive too.

Passion is somewhat of a hard skill to master, as in most instances you either have it or you don’t.

Highfive become a hot yoga instructor

But in some instances, your passion may dwindle over time, in which instance you will have to implement tactics to keep your own drive high.

One way in which you can do this is to create a yoga mission statement for your practice.

This small piece of writing should act as a consistent source of motivation for you as an instructor, by reminding you of why you became a hot yoga instructor to begin with.

#2 – Attentive and Nurturing

make a difference and become a hot yoga instructor

If your ambition is to become a hot yoga instructor as a full-time career you need to be attentive and nurturing of clients.

This will ensure that they transform into confident yogis who are capable of mastering any asana, style, or transition.

A large part of being attentive is observing a client’s performance during class and correcting any potentially harmful mistakes they may be making.

The consequences of not developing this skill could see clients injuring themselves. The risk of which is arguably greater during hot yoga sessions, in which clients may be working on surfaces that have become slippery with sweat.

How to become a hot yoga instructor with clients

Instead, you should be observant and attentive as a hot yoga instructor. If you see somebody struggling with a specific pose or transition offer them an alteration that is easier for their body to perform.

Specific groups of clients will need these alterations more than others. For example, if you’re working with pregnant individuals, be sure to take their condition into consideration and provide alternatives that are comfortable and safe for them to perform.

One way in which you can develop this skill is through constant learning.

For example, your specialist Level 4 yoga teaching diploma will teach you how to safely perform hot yoga classes, whilst also providing you with knowledge surrounding how you can craft variations of specific asanas and transitions.

#3 – Communication Skills

Communication skills to become a hot yoga instructor

Leading hot yoga classes isn’t an easy job role, and in order to craft effective classes, you must sharpen your communication skills.

We have already discussed the potential risks that hot yoga could pose to certain clients, which is why you must effectively communicate each and every movement you make during class, in precise detail.

If you merely provide a general or vague description of a pose or asana, your clients are the ones who will suffer the consequences.

This could result in building frustrations with your lack of verbal clarity, a factor that may drive them to a competitor’s studio instead.

Alternatively, in a worst-case scenario, a client could injure themselves due to your poor communication skills, after performing a movement incorrectly.

Communication skills to become a hot yoga instructor 2

Additionally, communication is not all about speaking, listening to your client’s is just as important.

As a hot yoga instructor, you should ensure that you’re open to any feedback your clients may have.

This could be in regards to topics such as your teaching style or any additional assistance they require.

One way to improve both of these areas is to simply practice.

For example, it may be beneficial to create a script during the creation process of your practical classes, in order to pair verbal communication with your proposed movements.

Alternatively, you could attend others’ hot yoga classes, and learn from their specific teaching style.

#4 – Organisation

Organisation to become a hot yoga instructor

As with any role within the health and fitness sector, strong organisational skills will always be beneficial.

These are vital for ensuring that your hot yoga classes are planned well in advance, ensuring that you’ve covered:

  • What asanas and transitions are going to be used
  • The venue details
  • How many clients plan on attending
  • What time the class begins and ends
  • Whether any equipment is required

Thumbs up for hot yoga instructor training

Without taking time to properly develop your organisational skills your classes will lack structure.

As a result, you may find that your clients become overwhelmed by what is presented before them, leading them to seek hot yoga from another instructor or provider.

To avoid this from occurring, be sure to plan each session diligently with the utmost care. For example, you could create a sample itinerary which can then be sent to your list of clients in order to ensure they stay in the loop too.

To summarise, we can state that when learning how to become a hot yoga instructor these skills are all necessities.

With the right development, they can really help to shape you into a good yoga teacher, with a dedicated client base.


#1 – Do I Need Insurance to Teach Hot Yoga?

insurance requried in order to become a hot yoga instructor

If you’re leading yoga classes of any kind you absolutely need to acquire some form of personal insurance.

Insurance sites such as Insure4Sport are great for ensuring that you protect yourself against any legal issues that may arise during your career as an instructor.

For example, by using the provider listed above you will receive coverage in the following areas:

  • Public liability
  • Personal accident
  • Personal income

For those of you who have never paid for this type of insurance before, this varied list of coverage will protect you should the following instances ever occur.

  • A specific action is brought into question if a client is injured
  • You personally become injured and have to miss work
  • You require physio treatment for a severe injury
  • Your personal equipment is stolen or damaged by clients

Some would argue that this need is even higher during hot yoga, as client’s could potentially fall or become unbalanced on slippery surfaces and injure themselves.

insurance requried in order to become a hot yoga instructor 2

Pricing for these packages is fairly cheap, starting at £43.99 a month which will grant you up to £1 million worth of coverage.

However, how much you pay on a monthly basis for this coverage is ultimately influenced by how much protection you think you’ll personally need.

For example, if you plan on incorporating your own equipment into these classes you may want to consider paying a higher amount, just in case they become damaged during the course of your teaching career.

Also, it’s important to be aware that these prices are not like car insurance and do not fluctuate depending on how much prior experience you have.

This essentially means that beginners and experienced instructors can all be paying the same amount for coverage.

#2 – How Does Bikram Yoga Differ from Hot Yoga?

Man thinking how to become a hot yoga instructor

As discussed within the introduction of this article, even the most passionate of yoga lovers sometimes conflate Bikram and hot yoga together, believing the two to be interchangeable.

However, this is not the case and the practices couldn’t be more different.

We briefly touched upon the notion that Bikram yoga requires those in attendance to follow a rigid structure during their sessions. These conditions include:

  • Classes must consist of 26 set poses and 2 set breathing exercises– which is why it’s also known as ‘26 & 2’ yoga.
  • The poses and breathing exercises need to be performed in the same order for every single class
  • Every class must always be exactly 90 minutes long
  • The class should always be taught in a room heated to exactly 40°C with 40% humidity
  • The floors in a Bikram studio must be carpeted 
  • There must be plenty of bright light in the room
  • There must be no music played in the class
  • There should be no hands-on adjustments – all demonstrations and corrections should be vocalised rather than physically demonstrated

how to become a hot yoga instructor NOT birkam

In contrast, hot yoga is more freeing and can be interpreted in a variety of ways, as evident from the many different approaches and brands we have seen throughout this article.

Therefore, whilst we can say that Bikram is a form of hot yoga, we cannot say that it’s the sole practice.

Think of it more as an offshoot that has popularised the practice in the mainstream discourse.

#3 – Do I Need a Specialised Bikram Qualification to Become a Hot Yoga Instructor?

Should I become a hot yoga instructor?

Some online resources may state that in order to become a hot yoga instructor you will also need to hold a specialised Bikram qualification.

However, this is once again a falsehood that has been misconstrued by the masses. You will only need a Bikram yoga qualification if you intend on working in specialised Bikram locations.

Even in this instance, Bikram qualifications aren’t even necessarily beneficial to have. There’s several reasons behind this:

  • Controversy surrounding the brand – Following a series of controversies and allegations, many employers look to distance themselves from the Bikram brand, which may leave you unemployed.
  • The course isn’t regulated – Meaning that bodies such as Ofqual have not regulated their teachings to be beneficial for aspiring instructors.
  • The qualification is expensive – Despite the two prior disadvantages, the course is still significantly more expensive than most yoga courses, costing anywhere between $12,500 – $16,600USD (£9,250 – £12,300) for a full teacher certification.

Bikram prices to become a hot yoga instructor

In contrast, OriGym’s specialist Level 4 Yoga Course costs £1,099, and will open up a whole world of employment opportunities, by allowing you to specialise in one specific type of yoga – including hot! 

Likewise, our qualification has been regulated by Ofqual whose stamp of approval guarantees our teachings to be valuable for the student’s education and professional future.


Before You Go!

As we have learnt throughout the course of this article, learning how to become a hot yoga instructor can be an incredibly rewarding experience.

Once you are fully qualified there is a whole world of career prospects and opportunities for you to explore, so what are you waiting for!

Start your journey by enrolling on our Level 3 Yoga Teacher Diploma. Here, you’ll receive guidance and support from our team of expert tutors who will be on hand to ensure you receive the best possible results. 

If you’d like to learn more about this and our advanced Level 4 yoga course, be sure to download our FREE course prospectus!

Enquire Now

Become a Personal Trainer with OriGym!

  • Qualify & start earning in just 12 weeks

  • Study full-time, part-time or online

  • Endorsed by CIMSPA

FROM JUST £1,099

About the Author: James Bickerstaff

james bickerstaff origym authour
James holds a BA (Hons) in Creative Writing and Film Studies and has recently gained a MA degree in Film, both of which he attained from Liverpool John Moores University. After taking up the couch to 5K challenge on a whim, James found a new passion for running, which he combines with his love for healthy cooking and writing. All of this led him to becoming a copywriter for OriGym.   When he is not writing content for the site, James can be found researching new recipes, writing music reviews, reading and watching latest film releases.  

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