Learning how to become a Viniyoga instructor can allow you to connect with clients in ways that most other yoga practices do not.
In this practice, you will find alternative ways to make yoga accessible to a variety of individuals, rather than just the able-bodied avid yogis of the world.
If this sounds like an interesting prospect, be sure to start your career off on the right foot, and get qualified with OriGym’s Level 3 Diploma in Teaching Yoga.
To learn more about this fully accredited qualification, be sure to download our FREE course prospectus.
- What is Viniyoga?
- The Qualifications Needed to Become a Viniyoga Instructor
- The Average Salary of a Viniyoga Instructor
- Career Options For Viniyoga Instructors
- Potential Career Progression Routes for Viniyoga Instructors
- Skills Required to Be a Viniyoga Instructor
What is Viniyoga?
In order to learn how to become a Viniyoga instructor, you must first learn about the origins of the practice, which can be traced back to India, in 1976.
The great yoga master T.K.V. Desikachar found himself becoming bored with the traditional teachings of hatha yoga.
In response, he began to curate his own practice, one that would help those suffering with conditions such as:
- Schizophrenia
- Mobility Issues
- Visual impairments (like glaucoma, or cataracts)
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Asthma
Desikachar believed that yoga should be tailored to help certain individuals who would otherwise find the traditional practices to be inaccessible.
In response, Viniyoga claims to be for everyone, and includes adaptations of popular yoga asanas and meditation techniques in order to support the needs and limitations of others.
In fact, the word ‘Vini’ in Sanskrit loosely translates to ‘adaptation’, so the full title of this practice is quite literally adaptation yoga.
At its core the practice priorities four key beliefs which are as followed:
- Function over form – Viniyoga instructors emphasise the function rather than the form of the asana. In order to ensure each individual client is receiving teaching that will benefit them specifically, the science of adaptation is used in order to correct aspects such as posture.
- Breathing adaptations – In this yoga practice, breath is the medium for asana movement. Viniyoga instructors will teach their clients how to alter their breathing patterns for specific asanas, in order to produce different effects, depending on the client’s end goal.
- Repetition and stay – Asanas are repeated throughout the session, in order to ensure clients know how to get in and out of certain postures and poses. This is done to enhance the structural and energetic effects of the practice.
- The science of sequencing – Viniyoga instructors will create sessions that use science to justify every alteration they make. As a result, the class’ length, intensity, and orientation can be altered, in order to suit the content of each practice and client.
Ultimately, Vinitoga instructors will uphold the notion that there is no one ‘correct’ way to practice yoga. Instead, they encourage clients to discover what works best for them on an individual basis.
The Qualifications Needed to Become a Viniyoga Instructor
In order to implement the beliefs associated with Viniyoga into practice, you must first become a qualified yoga instructor.
Whilst looking for Viniyoga teacher training. you must ensure to have a qualification that stresses the importance of both practical and theoretical learning.
It is this knowledge that will equip you with the skills needed to make adaptations to the yoga practice of your clients.
#1 – Level 3 Yoga Teacher Training Diploma
This is an entry-level qualification that will certify applicants to teach yoga on both one-to-one and group basis. These classes can take place in a variety of settings which include:
- Yoga Studios
- Gyms
- Spas
- Retreat locations
- Client’s private properties
Once you enrol in this course, you can learn how to become a Viniyoga instructor through a blended learning program.
This approach to learning allows you to study around your own existing schedule, with the curriculum consisting of two main components:
- Online learning through our state-of-the-art E-Learning platform
- Practical yoga workshop weekends – These will take place in one of OriGym’s chosen National locations
On average, the Level 3 Yoga Teacher Training Diploma takes 4 months to complete, with every student receiving 400 hours of guided learning, regardless of their prior experience
You may now be questioning how this specifically relates to Viniyoga teacher training?
Well, the modules you study within this diploma will help to provide you with a strong foundation of knowledge, from which you can learn how to make necessary adjustments to your sessions and classes.
These modules include:
- Anatomy & Physiology for Yoga
- Health and Safety During Yoga
- Planning Level 3 Yoga Sessions
- Delivering Yoga Sessions
With assessments in the following areas:
- Anatomy & Physiology – Assignments and online exam (Open book – Multiple choice)
- Principles of Exercise and Health – Assignments and online exam (Open book – Multiple choice)
- The Moving Body – Assignments and online exam (Open book – Multiple choice)
- Support clients – Assignments
- Applying Philosophy – Case Study and Practical
- Plan and Deliver a Meditation Session – Case Study and Practical
Please note: In order to complete these practical assignments you must first complete 50 hours of independent practice.
This required time does NOT include your weekend workshops with OriGym, and must be logged into the e-learning platform separately. Instead, these hours can include
- In-Person Attended Class
- Yoga Retreats
- Online Classes
The modules that make up this qualification will help you when learning how to become a Viniyoga Instructor through a variety of means.
For starters, you will cover information relating to the moving body through different types of yoga.
This information will assist you when developing amendments for groups of people with specialised needs, as you must factor their personal bodily movements into this process.
Furthermore, you will also learn how you can best support each individual client for their specific needs, a must have for any aspiring Viniyoga instructor, as evident from the job advertisement featured below.
This is the kind of role you’ll be able to apply for following the completion of your course. Whilst this is a holistic instructor job, the importance of adaptation is very much stressed throughout the advertisement.
Additionally, please be aware that entry level job applications such as the one featured above will always be focused on holistic practices.
As such, you will commonly see the general term ‘yoga instructor’ being used, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t apply for these roles.
Many of these employers will want to see your own personal approach to teaching, including what topics and specialist practices influence you.
For example, you could share your passion for Viniyoga within your personal yoga instructor CV, in order to ensure employers have an immediate impression of who you are.
If your application is successful, you can begin teaching in these roles and stress the teachings of Viniyoga to your clients during the class itself.
For more information about pursuing this job role, check out our article on ‘How to Become a Yoga Instructor‘.
#2 – Do I Need A Specialist Viniyoga Teacher Training Qualification?
Following the aforementioned job advertisement regarding holistic practices, you may be questioning whether you need a specialist Viniyoga teacher training qualification.
The direct answer is no, not technically, as the majority of the knowledge and skills acquired within these specialist courses can also be acquired through a general Level 3 Yoga Diploma in Teaching Yoga.
This is evident from Viniyoga Australia, whose ‘specialist’ course features the following modules:
- History and Ethics of Yoga
- Theory and Practice of Asanas
- Yoga Philosophy and Anatomy
- Theory and Practice of Meditation
When compared to an entry Level 3 Diploma, we can see that there isn’t much difference in the curriculum.
Therefore, we are left to question why the specialist certification is even necessary to begin with.
Job advertisements such as the one featured above echo this sentiment. In fact, there are little to no jobs that specify the need for this exact specialist qualification, and instead they typically place the requirement on a Level 3 certification.
In a similar vein, some job descriptions (such as the one featured below) will state that they prefer applicants with a general qualification as it frees them up to teach more than one class.
If applying for a role similar to this, applicants with a Level 3 qualification could stress their interest in Viniyoga whilst still teaching the likes of:
- Hatha yoga
- Vinyasa yoga
- Ashtanga yoga
- Power yoga
From this, we can argue that opting to study a specialist qualification could see you losing out on job opportunities.
This is due to the fact that potential employers could see you as underqualified, as you will only be certified to teach Viniyoga, whereas other applicants with a holistic certification are able to teach many different forms.
Furthermore, specialist qualifications are significantly more expensive, with the American Viniyoga Institute charging a minimum of $3,250.00 (£2,398.00) to study under their tutelage.
In contrast, OriGym’s Level 3 Diploma costs a total of £999, essentially covering the same topics for a fraction of the price.
Therefore, we would encourage all of our readers to prioritise getting certified with a holistic degree over a specialist one.
The Average Salary of a Viniyoga Instructor
Being able to teach multiple different types of yoga classes can also help you to earn a significantly more amount of money.
According to Payscale the average salary of a yoga instructor is £21.85 per hour, bringing their yearly earnings to anywhere between £19K-68K.
From this, we can state that a holistic qualification can help to lay the groundwork for a lucrative career.
However, please be aware that these figures should be taken with a pinch of salt and may not fully represent the average salary of a Viniyoga instructor.
This is largely due to the fact that these statistics aren’t concrete. Instead, they are merely an amalgamation that is generated through statistics provided by the website’s users.
Additionally, the site fails to take into consideration other factors which could potentially influence a Viniyoga instructor’s final salary.
For example, in relation to the ‘holistic vs specialist’ qualification argument, those who are able to teach a variety of classes could see themselves earning more than the proposed salary.
Those with a specialist degree, however, may find themselves with a lower salary due to the fact that they’ll be boxed into one practice, with fewer job opportunities.
Likewise, the amount of experience someone has could also influence their overall pay, as evident from the screenshot provided above from Jobted.
Here we can see that those with less experience, such as newly qualified instructors, are more likely to earn less starting at just £10.00 an hour.
This is compared to the more experienced Viniyoga instructors who could potentially charge up to £36.00 an hour.
However, one major downside of this statistic is that the site fails to offer a timeframe of what is considered ‘experienced’.
Furthermore, neither Payscale nor Jobted provide any clarity on the different types of yoga. Therefore, it is hard for us to fully determine whether this salary is reflective of Viniyoga instructors, or whether it’s best suited for another practice such as for those who become a Yin yoga teacher.
Regardless of the confusion regarding salary, we can confidently state that the amount of experience you have, will certainly factor into your overall earnings.
With years of experience in Viniyoga comes a higher salary and greater job prospects.
Career Options For Viniyoga Instructors
There is a great need for yoga instructors across the entire world, meaning that your career options are vast and ever-growing by the day.
This means that, upon learning how to become a Viniyoga instructor, you could realistically explore a variety of different routes of employment.
For example, you could choose to pursue contracted employment within one fixed location, or operate on a freelance basis and take your practice on the go.
But before we discuss the specifics of these roles, something you should be aware of is an employment requirement that frequently recurs throughout the entire industry.
When applying for any kind of role within the yoga sector, you will typically see the phrase ‘Accredited 200 hours of Yoga Teaching Qualification’ as a requirement for all desirable applicants.
At OriGym we believe in going above and beyond in order to ensure that our students have the best possible qualification.
This is why with both our Level 3 & Level 4 yoga teacher training diplomas award graduates with 400 hours of accredited yoga teacher training.
This will make you a desirable candidate for whatever role you decide to pursue, be it freelance or full-time with a contract.
#1 – Freelance Viniyoga Instructor
When it comes to employment options for qualified yoga instructors, by far the most popular avenue is freelancing.
This is largely due to the fact that the need for these instructors is currently at a higher demand, and
However, please note that when working in this capacity very few job advertisements will directly dub the role as ‘Viniyoga instructor’.
Instead, employers will opt for a holistic approach and simply refer to the vacancy as ‘Yoga Instructor’.
The reasoning behind this is simple, as a freelancer you will be expected to teach much more than just Viniyoga.
A holistic term encompasses this, an example of which can be seen in the advertisement below for the London-based GYMBOX studio.
When working as a freelancer, offering multiple different services will not only improve your chances of becoming employed, but could also lead to a higher rate of overall earnings.
This is largely due to the fact that there will be a higher demand for your services, instead of just teaching one 2-hour Viniyoga class every week, you could also lead sessions in:
- Hatha yoga
- Ashtanga yoga
- Yin yoga
- Vinyasa yoga
With a Level 3 Diploma in Yoga Teaching, you will learn how to lead a variety of different classes, which you can then incorporate into your general Viniyoga practice, ensuring every variation is more accessible.
Some freelance job opportunities such as the one featured below, may even allow you to personally advertise specialist services, rather than being assigned to specific classes.
This kind of freelance job provides you with more direct control over what you’re teaching.
Here, you could inform the employers that you’re looking to teach sessions that specifically focus on Viniyoga, and in response, they would market you accordingly towards their existing pool of clients.
Ultimately, learning how to become a Viniyoga on a freelance basis will provide you with the freedom to work in whatever capacity you wish.
But this prospect isn’t always ideal for some, alternatively, other instructors may prefer the structure that comes with contracted employment.
#2 – Contracted Roles as a Viniyoga Instructor
Once you have learned how to become a yoga instructor, you may wish to pursue contracted employment.
This role can provide you with a sense of structure and stability, with a regular schedule that could see you working on a part or full-time basis.
If you wish to pursue employment within this capacity you could work in the following venues:
- Yoga Studios
- Spas and Wellness Centres
- Gyms
- Cruises
- Exercise Referral Centres
- Yoga Retreats
However, to provide complete clarity on this matter, we should state that finding a contracted role as a Viniyoga instructor is somewhat challenging, but not impossible.
By far one of the most effective ways of finding employment is to approach a yoga studio directly and enquire about employment opportunities.
Whilst Viniyoga is a somewhat niche subject matter, you’d be surprised at how many venues within your immediate area offer the service.
For some insight on the popularity of this form, check out the screenshot provided above which depicts just some of the available classes in Liverpool.
If a studio already runs a Viniyoga class you could offer additional support for the existing tutor, stressing your passion for the specialised subject to the employer.
However, even if your local studio doesn’t offer Viniyoga classes don’t let this deter you from applying. In fact, this could work to your advantage, as there will be a gap in the market for your style of teaching.
If you can prove there is a desire and need for Viniyoga within the studio the employer may agree and offer you a contracted role to teach in their establishment.
One way to obtain this evidence is to attend the studio for yourself and talk to your fellow yogis.
Share your passion for Viniyoga with them and see if they would be interested in attending sessions should they be made available.
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If learning how to become a Viniyoga instructor is a topic that interests you, we think you may enjoy reading these other OriGym articles:
- How to Become a Hot Yoga Instructor
- How To Become A Yoga Instructor Online
- How To Become A Travelling Yoga Teacher
Potential Career Progression Routes for Viniyoga Instructors
Naturally, the two aforementioned roles aren’t the only ways in which you can become employed as a Viniyoga instructor.
In fact, once you have learned how to become a Viniyoga instructor you could pursue a great number of careers within the yoga industry.
#1 – Start a Viniyoga Specialist Studio
According to Yoga Trail, there is currently no studio in the entire UK which specifically specialises in Viniyoga.
As we know from previous sections, there are multiple studios that offer Viniyoga classes across the UK.
However, none of these locations are similar to the ones featured in the screenshot above, which solely focus on the delivery of the practice.
This means that there is currently a huge gap in the market that you can capitalise on. With no direct competitors, you could receive praise and accolades from the yoga community for being a groundbreaker.
However, just because there is no competition does not mean that this process will be easy by any means.
You will still need to be a highly dedicated individual with a precise yoga business plan in mind.
However, despite its many challenges this career path could also reward you with the following perks:
- Flexible working hours
- Creative freedom for your studio’s branding
- Deciding on who you want to work, and who you want to employ
- Higher earning potential than most other roles
- Freedom to focus all your attention on Viniyoga
Please be aware that launching a business of this magnitude will require a lot of prior knowledge of the existing yoga industry. It’s for this reason that we only recommend this option for veteran yogis and instructors with years worth of experience.
#2 – Pair Viniyoga With a Qualification in Nutrition
Whilst learning how to become a Viniyoga instructor you will naturally learn how to adapt your teachings to suit the needs of your clients. These adaptations can be put into practice for a variety of reasons, but the end goal will always be for your client’s benefit.
In a similar fashion to how physical yoga classes can be amended to suit a client’s specific needs, so too can nutrition. By completing a specialist Nutrition course in the UK you could pursue a career as a Viniyoga instructor who also offers their client’s personalised dietary advice.
This will take their needs into account, and will seek to complement the session’s teachings too.
For example, if a client suffers from arthritis you should advise them to steer clear of inflammatory foods such as:
- Refined Carbohydrates
- Red Meat
- Fizzy Drinks
- Fried Foods
Instead, your nutrition advice should align with the Arthritis Foundation which suggests that the Mediterranean diet is the best.
This is due to the fact that it has been scientifically found to help reduce pain and stiffness throughout the body.
These recommendations should be paired with Viniyoga teachings, which could include allowing arthritis sufferers to participate in classes from chairs.
This adaptation can provide these clients with a greater sense of stability, ensuring they don’t fall or injure themselves in other ways.
Therefore, with a specialist Level 4 Nutrition qualification you can expand your practice and offer your clients with other services that are specifically designed to benefit their needs.
#3 – Run Viniyoga Retreats
For those who are unfamiliar with yoga retreats, the best way they can be described is a holiday for dedicated yogis.
Both clients and instructors can enjoy a relaxing weekend filled with classes, meditation sessions and the many amenities the location has to offer.
High quality yoga holidays and getaways have proven to be a profitable market, with UK based trips costing an average of £200-600 per person, whilst those abroad can cost anywhere upwards of £2,000.
Some factors which influence the overall price of a yoga retreat include:
- Travel to the Location (Typically in relation to your primary studio)
- Duration
- Food and Accommodation
- The Type of Yoga on Offer
- The Number of Classes Taught
With all of this in mind, we can confidently say that by operating your own Viniyoga retreats you can expect to earn a profit on this business venture.
However, when running Viniyoga retreats you have to take into account that some of your clients may have accessibility needs.
As the organiser you must ensure that this retreat reflects the practice of Viniyoga and is accessible to all.
This process can include ensuring that the following criteria are met:
Physical Mobility – For individuals in wheelchairs and those with limited mobility, you must ensure that there are:
- Wheelchair ramps
- Lifts
- Accessible toilets & changing areas
- Public areas with step-free access
Visual and Auditory – This includes individuals with limitations to their sight and hearing. In order to make the retreat more accessible for them, visual and audio cues must be made accessible around the building.
For those hard at hearing, this could include visual posters and signs which depict the itinerary for the day. Likewise for those who are visually impared, ensuring that everything is communicated to them verbally is essential.
Learning – For individuals with conditions such as autism, clutter or loud noises can be quite distressing. Be sure that there is an area or room nearby where individuals can go in order to relax.
Due to the somewhat intense nature of planning a retreat, we’d argue that this role is best suited for Viniyoga instructors who have more experience and pre-existing clientele.
Without either of these factors, you may lack the confidence and financial backing to get this trip off the ground.
#4 – Become a Yoga Therapist
This is another career avenue that many individuals choose to explore once they have learned how to become a Viniyoga instructor.
For those who are unaware, yoga therapy is a practice which aims to alleviate physical and mental health conditions.
For example, if a client comes to a yoga therapist suffering from an arm injury, a program will be curated in order to accommodate and help the recovery process.
From this, it’s easy to see why so many Viniyoga instructors choose to pursue this career path.
In fact, the NHS has now begun to recommend yoga therapy as a valid form of treatment, so it may help to think of this practice as the yoga equivalent of an exercise referral coach.
However, please be aware that in order to enter this profession you must hold a specialist qualification that professionally certifies you to be a yoga therapist.
In order to be eligible for a yoga therapist certification you must first hold a yoga teaching qualification, before undergoing a further 800 hours of rigorous training. This will provide you with a deeper understanding of:
- Human anatomy
- Physiology
- Yoga Theory
- The differences between Eastern and Western philosophies of medicine and healthcare
We’d encourage all of our readers to do some further research into specialist yoga therapist qualifications, before determining which one is right for them.
But once again, we’d advise only pursuing this career once you have further experience as a Viniyoga instructor under your belt.
This extended time in the industry will equip you with a greater understanding of the practice, and developed skills that will better the therapy your clients receive.
Skills Required to Be a Viniyoga Instructor
Now that you have an understanding of what career prospects await you as a Viniyoga instructor, we’ll now discuss the necessary skills required to perform this role to the best of your ability.
#1 – Passion for Viniyoga
It’s safe to assume that anyone searching topics surrounding Viniyoga teacher training has a passion for the subject.
This is an important trait to have, as during yoga classes clients feed off the energy of the instructor and mirror it back to them.
Therefore, if you’re lacking energy and motivation during your classes, so too will your clients, who will in turn put in minimal effort.
Passion is somewhat of a hard skill to master, in most instances you either have it or you don’t. But sometimes even the most dedicated if instructors need to rejuvenate their motivation.
One way to revive this passion is to create a yoga instructor mission statement.
This small piece of information should chronicle your journey within the yoga industry, and act as a reminder of why you pursued Viniyoga in the first place.
#2 – Attentive and Nurturing
As discussed at length in this article, a key component of Viniyoga teacher training is learning how to amend your practice in order to assist clients with specific needs.
Therefore, being attentive and nurturing is a vital skill to have, one of which ALL Viniyoga instructors must develop should they wish to find success in this role.
But what do we mean by ‘being attentive?’
Well, you should observe all of your clients intently, and see if any struggle with the already amended Viniyoga asanas and movement you have assigned.
Should this occur, you can offer the client further amendments, in order to ensure that they’re performing at a level that’s comfortable for them.
Without developing this skill, your clients could potentially injure themselves during your class, the risk of which is already greater for those who use Viniyoga.
Therefore, be sure to observe clients at all times, offering additional support and guidance for those who need it.
#3 – Knowledge of Anatomy & Physiology
In order to make the necessary amendments to a client’s practice you must have a vast knowledge of human anatomy and physiology.
This is a vital skill that all Viniyoga instructors must develop, in order to ensure that the amendments they make to a client’s practice is safe and suitable for their specific needs.
Without this, you could unknowingly be putting an already vulnerable person in harm’s way, and increasing their chances of getting injured.
Even the slightest misstep or fault in their posture could potentially cause severe problems for these clients, so what can you do to avoid this?
Thankfully, this skill is somewhat easy to develop and can be strengthened through studying. For example, at OriGym our Level 3 Yoga Teacher Training includes a module which focuses on this very topic.
By ensuring you stay educated on a variety of topics related to your clients’ health and wellbeing, you can guarantee that your Viniyoga classes are safe and accessible for everyone.
#4 – Communication Skills
Once you have planned all the necessary amendments to your client’s routine you will then have to deliver the Viniyoga session itself.
Due to the fact that this is a specialised class with amended routines, you must ensure to communicate each movement and asana in exact detail.
This precision will ensure that your class remains safe and effective for your clients.
Failure to develop this skill will result in classes that are too vague, which completely goes against the entire purpose of Viniyoga.
Vague descriptions will also negatively impact your clients’ wellbeing, and may lead to building frustrations if they can’t quite grasp how to execute a specific pose or asana.
In worst-case scenarios, some individuals could even injure themselves if given incorrect information.
However, in order to improve your communication skills, you must also be willing to hone your listening abilities.
As a Viniyoga instructor, you must be receptive to client’s thoughts and feedback.
For example, if a client has told you they’re struggling with a specific pose, listen to why they find it challenging before offering an effective solution, such as:
If you’re struggling with this particular pose, you can make it easier by placing your bum on your legs, or using your arms for support.
One way to build upon both of these areas could be to develop a script during the creation process of the practical class. This will allow you to pair visual queues with your proposed physical movements.
#5 – Organisation
For anyone wishing to pursue Viniyoga teacher training, strong organisational skills are absolutely essential.
Organisation will help you during the planning process of each Viniyoga classes, ensuring you have prepared:
- What asanas and transitions are going to be used
- The exact alterations you’re going to make for each client
- The venue details
- How many clients plan on attending
- What time the class begins and ends
- Whether any equipment is required
Without taking the time to properly develop organisational skills your classes will lack form and structure.
As a result, your clients may become dissatisfied with the service you’re providing, and will in turn seek out an alternative Viniyoga provider.
To avoid this from occurring, be sure to plan each session diligently with the utmost care.
For example, you could create a sample itinerary which can then be sent to your list of clients in order to ensure they stay in the loop too.
To summarise, we can state that when learning how to become a hot yoga instructor these skills are all necessities.
With the right development, they can really help to shape you into a good yoga teacher, with a dedicated client base.
#1 – Do I Need Insurance To Be a Viniyoga Instructor?
Once you have achieved your qualification and learned how to become a Viniyoga instructor, we’d strongly recommend getting insurance immediately.
Insurance sites such as Insure4Sport are great resources for ensuring that you’re legally protected against any issues that may arise during the course of your career.
For example, by using the provider listed above you will receive coverage in the following areas:
- Public liability
- Personal accident
- Personal income
For those who have never received this type of insurance before, these varied forms of coverage will protect you in the event of:
- A specific action is brought into question if a client is injured
- You personally become injured and have to miss work
- You require physio treatment for a severe injury
- Your personal equipment is stolen or damaged by clients
Some would argue that the need for this is even greater in Viniyoga as your clients are part of vulnerable groups, who are more likely to injure themselves when compared to able-bodied yogis.
Pricing for these packages is fairly cheap, starting at £43.99 a month which will grant you up to £1 million worth of coverage.
However, how much you pay on a monthly basis for this coverage is ultimately influenced by how much protection you think you’ll personally need.
For example, if you plan on incorporating your own equipment into these classes you may want to consider paying a higher amount, just in case they become damaged during the course of your teaching career.
Also, it’s important to be aware that these prices are not like car insurance, and do not fluctuate depending on how much prior experience you have.
This essentially means that beginners and experienced instructors will all be paying the same amount for coverage.
#2 – What Is The Difference Between a Viniyoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist?
Due to the somewhat similar nature of Viniyoga and yoga therapy, many individuals conflate the two practices together. Allow us to clarify how they can be easily differentiated:
Throughout your Viniyoga teacher training, you will learn how to assess the needs of any given student, in order to create a tailored program for educational purposes.
In contrast, yoga therapists will assess the needs of an individual from a medical perspective, in order to determine an appropriate health related intervention for an individual.
Hypothetically speaking, an individual could develop recurring back pain. If this is manageable they could attend Viniyoga classes in order to learn how they can continue their yoga practice through this pain.
Once the pain became unmanageable they could attend yoga therapy as a form of treatment. Whilst both practices may involve adaptations of typical asanas and transitions, they fulfill two entirely different purposes to the end-user.
Before You Go!
By learning how to become a Viniyoga instructor you can impact the lives of many clients, and make the practice of yoga more accessible to a large subsection of individuals.
In essence, you can positively affect the lives of these individuals, and create an emotionally rewarding bond between client and instructor.
If you’d like to pursue this profession further remember to enroll on our Level 3 Yoga Teacher Training certification.
Here you will gain a solid foundation of education, from which you will be able to launch a yoga career immediately upon graduation.