Whether you want to take your pick from the best yoga studio names or get inspired to think of something unique, we are here to help you do just that.

This article covers the key things to consider when coming up with your ideas and some inspiration from existing examples.

Table Of Contents

  1. Why You Need A Captivating Yoga Studio Name
  2. How To Choose A Yoga Studio Name
  3. Best Yoga Studio Names: Examples & Inspiration
  4. Unique Yoga Studio Names & Examples
  5. Sanskrit Yoga Studio Names & How To Make Yours Personal
  6. Fun Yoga Studio Name Ideas
  7. Before You Go!

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Why You Need A Captivating Yoga Studio Name

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Coming up with a studio name can seem overwhelming, especially when there are various directions you can go in.

However, unique yoga studio names are a good way to make your business stand out. If there are multiple studios in your area, you have to give potential clients a reason to come to you over anywhere else.

Yoga’s constantly growing popularity means you’re going to need a name that is:

  • Memorable
  • Relevant
  • Simple
  • Unique

Any brand name that you remember is usually because they are unique or because they are relevant to the place of practice. Read on to find out how you can come up with a truly compelling name for your yoga studio.

How To Choose A Yoga Studio Name

#1 – Do Some Market Research

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In business, making any branding or marketing decisions without knowing what’s already out there is unwise. It’s a bad idea to make any business decisions without establishing who your competitors are and gaining a full understanding of your target market.

That’s why doing market research should be the first step in deciding on a name for your yoga studio.

For example, check out the screenshot below of the yoga businesses that are operating close to our head office in Liverpool:


The names are pretty varied in terms of how they’ve been put together, but many of them still conform to common yoga business naming tropes, which is what we expected to see.

Here are some of the other names that appeared lower down on the list of results:

  • Ashtanga Yoga Liverpool
  • Oriental Yoga
  • Yoga for the People
  • Mindful Yoga 7 Mindful Meditation Liverpool
  • Yogacita
  • Happiness Hot Yoga
  • Yoga Nation
  • My Yoga Liverpool
  • Liverpool Iyengar Yoga Studio
  • Liverpool Yoga Company
  • White Wolf Yoga

Without pointing it out, it’s evident that some of these business names are stronger than others.

For instance, White Wolf Yoga has managed to come up with a name for their studio that reflects the physical atmosphere and their location and has a logo design that is recognisable.

These are all features that you, as the owner, should be thinking about before naming your studio – and this is exactly why you need to do your market research.

#2 – Consider Your Studio Aesthetic

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It will be confusing for clients if your physical studio aesthetic has a different energy to your yoga studio name. Ideally, they should reinforce each other and establish a clear brand identity.

With this in mind, you may find it much easier to design your yoga studio space first. Then you can take inspiration from your physical studio interior to help you come up with your own yoga studio name suggestions.

We mentioned White Wolf Yoga and their name being unique in nature, but they also have a studio aesthetic that compliments the name well. Take a look at their interior below:

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The logo, name and simple yet relaxing energy all complement one another and make the unique name all the more fitting.

If you’re confident in the interior that you desire for your space, use this as inspiration to narrow down your list to some real creative yoga studio names.

#3 – Think About Your Location

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Another factor that could make your yoga studio name unique is the relationship between the name and the location.

For example, The Yoga Loft in Burbage is a prime example of how your studio name can relate to the physical location. This yoga studio has a loft-style space on the top floor with a rustic yet peaceful feel that is highly complementary to the studio’s name.

Take a look at the link between the physical link between the location and the name:

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Keep in mind that your yoga studio name should be relative to everything your practice represents and this is exactly what will make yours unique.

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#4 – Start Brainstorming

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Brainstorming is a way of ensuring that you’re taking everything that you’ve learned before this step into account. Instead of committing to the first name that pops into your head, brainstorming will help get your creative juices flowing.

First, you should revisit your competitor research and make sure that you have that laid out in front of you as you’re listing your ideas. It’s also important that you have access to some of the more famous yoga business names during this step, especially if you have big dreams for your own business!

The main rules that you should stick to when brainstorming are:

  • Keep a list of successful business names close by
  • Avoid trends (they can fade as quickly as they start)
  • Keep your target demographic in mind at all times

This enables you to think creatively about what you’re going to name your yoga business, all while sticking to logical limitations that mean that your ideas are relevant to what you’re looking for and that they aren’t wasted in any way.

#5 – Check The Name Is Available

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Before you go ahead and set in stone your new yoga studio name, you’re going to want to check if it is available on social media channels and as a domain first.

You don’t want to make your business difficult to find but if you choose a name that is already taken on social media, you’re going to achieve just that.

Social media

Let’s take a look at an example. Maybe you choose the name Moon and Sun Studio. You know that it is a yoga studio, but that doesn’t mean everyone else will. Take a look below at the many results that show on Instagram from this search term:


As you can see, your yoga studio could easily get lost among the masses. Moreover, none of these names state the kind of studio they are. Many are digital designers or fashion stores – so how do you make yours stand out?

First, check different combinations of similar terms but avoid overcomplicating it. For example, take a look at the results below when you simply add ‘yoga studio’ into the term, as opposed to ‘studio’ alone:

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As you can see, there are no search results for accounts under that name, meaning that not only does your name communicate what business your studio is, but it is also much easier to find.

Web domain

As well as social media channels, you’re going to want to check if a domain is available so you can have an easy-to-find and accessible business site.

Thankfully, this is really simple. You can use the likes of Squarespace to check if your desired domain name is available or not. If it is taken, it will provide you with similar alternatives.


You should definitely be checking these factors before you’re certain about a name. Remember, you want the whole package so that your studio is one of a kind and as professional as possible.

Best Yoga Studio Names: Examples & Inspiration

Unique yoga studio names and ideas don’t always come naturally. If you feel like you need some inspiration, then look no further.

Below we have 15 ideas for yoga studio names that have been put together with the history and energy of yoga in mind.

Unique Yoga Studio Names & Examples

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Unique names can be hard to come up with if you don’t have a direction. You should brainstorm and use word association to come up with words that are unique but relate to the practice as well as your studio and style.

Maybe you’re a yoga instructor who teaches Ashtanga yoga specifically, this is certainly a unique selling point to your studio so why not put it in your name?

Here is an example below of StoneMonkey Ashtanga Yoga, showing how you can easily incorporate a yoga style into a studio name:

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It is simple yet effective, showing how, with a short studio name, you can still communicate:

  • That you’re a yoga studio
  • The style of yoga you teach
  • A relative and memorable brand name

Below, we have some examples of how to incorporate the style of yoga within the name.

  • Power Yoga Studio
  • Tri-Yoga Tranquillity House
  • Energy & Flow Vinyasa Studio
  • The Bikram Basement
  • The Restorative Room

All of these names incorporate a style of yoga that attracts a particular niche who are interested in that particular type. Power, Tri, Vinyasa, Bikram and Restorative are all kinds of yoga and are recognisable names for those who are interested.

Sanskrit Yoga Studio Names & How To Make Yours Personal

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Sanskrit is the language the very first yogis spoke in. Not only that but many historical yoga texts that have the original practices and teachings are also written in Sanskrit.

Sanskrit is embedded into modern-day yoga and will continue to be, so choosing a name based on Sanskrit is sure to provide you with one of the most timeless yoga studio names out there.

You may see Sanskrit words more than you’re aware of. For example, take a look at the studio below named ‘Namaste’.

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It is a word that is not only recognisable to clients but also is perfect for the name of a studio. It translates as “greetings to you”, which is the welcoming message everybody wants to hear when coming into your studio.

Here are some of the yoga studio names in Sanskrit we thought would be suitable to take inspiration from:

  • Asana Attic
  • Stay for Namaste Studio
  • Shanti Studio
  • Asha Ashtanga Studio
  • The Ananda Yoga Space

As we mentioned, Sanskrit is a historical, valuable and important part of yoga and you should use this approach when coming up with a name of your own – make it personal.

Sanskrit is a sacred language. It’s hugely meaningful to yoga, and so you should treat it with the respect it warrants. Think of what is sacred to you and your practice to embed that into your studio name.

Fun Yoga Studio Name Ideas

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Yoga is meant to be a place to wind down, but it is also a place to have fun and be happy above all else. Therefore, it only makes sense to communicate this in your yoga studio name!

  • Happy Hatha Yoga Studio
  • The Sukha Studio सुख
  • Virya Vinyasa Yoga Studio
  • The Chakra Chamber
  • The Four Walled Chaturanga Studio

These are still acting as relevant words to the practice, whilst also being a little more lighthearted, similar to this example below from Sweat Studios.

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This is a good example of professionalism, relatability and lighthearted energy that have been morphed into one.

It is the perfect mix for anybody who wants to create a studio that is a balance between calm and fun – a great combination for anybody looking to de-stress!

Before You Go!

You may think that all of the good names for a yoga studio of your own are generic, but with our help, you should be able to either find a suitable name or at least expand your brainstorming abilities to find your perfect fit.

Before you go, if you are thinking about progressing your career in yoga and choosing a certain discipline to specialise in, be sure to check out our Level 3 Course in Yoga Teaching here at OriGym.

Alternatively, browse through our course prospectus to find all of the health and fitness courses that we run.

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About the Author: Kimberley Mitchell

kimberley mitchell origym authour
Having gained a B.A Hons degree in Media, Culture and Communications, Kimberley has gained experience in areas of web journalism, website production and marketing. Alongside this, Kim expanded her knowledge and passion for fitness, by becoming a fully qualified fitness instructuor and personal trainer. Kim has also gained specialist qualifications in yoga, nutriton, spin and many more. After working in the industry as a PT, Kimberley went on to study an MA in Digital Marketing and continues to expand her knowledge in the industry. Her main focus is to keep up with current trends and communications with a focus around health & fitness, writing and being creative.

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