15 Best Arm Stretches for Before After Your Workout

Arm stretches are an important aspect of fitness, yet they often go overlooked. But why is stretching so important? By stretching regularly either before or after your workout, you can help to relieve muscle tightness, whilst also improving your flexibility and mobility in the process.

This article will cover arm stretches to do before a workout and some post-workout arm stretches, too. The majority of pre-workout stretches are dynamic stretches, which require you to move a lot more compared to static stretches, which you will find featured in the post-workout section.

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Pre-Workout Arm Stretches 

Dynamic stretches are considered to be active movements where your joints and muscles go through a full range of motion. They can be used to warm up your body, making these kinds of movements the perfect pre-workout stretches.

An interesting thing to note about dynamic stretches’ relationship with arm stretches is that they can mimic the function or activity of the sport you perform. For example, if you’re a swimmer, practicing arm circles before entering the pool may help to benefit your overall practice.

1. Long Arm Stretches 

These are one of the more basic arm muscle stretches to appear on this list. If you are somebody who is looking to incorporate pre-workout arm stretches into your warmup routine, try starting off with these long arm chest stretches.

If you’re interested in working out your upper body during your workout itself, why not try practicing cable chest presses?

Starting Position: Stand tall and place your hands together and extend your arms straight out in front of you.


  • Breathe in as you slowly begin to push your arms apart, as far as you comfortably can.
  • Your palms should be facing face front, and you should be able to feel the stretch along your arms and chest.
  • Breathe out as you begin to push your arms together, re-entering the starting position.

What Muscles Does This Stretch Benefit?

This arm stretch benefits the pectorals, biceps and deltoids.

When it comes to stretches for the arm, the long arm chest stretch is simplistic but incredibly effective. If you are only just beginning your workout journey, consider using this arm stretch as a starting point.

How Long Should I Practice This Stretch For? 

We would recommend doing these long arm stretches for 30-60 seconds for both arms.

Mistakes to Avoid

Correct Palm Position: Many people who do this stretch do so with their elbows facing upwards and their palms pointing towards the floor, but this is incorrect. If you want to do this stretch correctly then make sure your elbow’s are facing behind you. That way you will be able to feel the benefits of the stretch within your upper arm and chest area.

You should feel the stretch in your arms and chest: If you feel a pinching in your shoulders then you’re doing the stretch incorrectly.  If this occurs, you are probably pulling your arms too far back, so make sure you’re stretching within the realms of your own comfort.

2. Standing Arm Swings:

If you’re looking for Stretches for the upper arm and chest area, we can recommend that you try to practice some standing arm swings. They’re so easy to do, especially if you have prior experience with running.

Starting Position: Engage your core in order to keep your back perfectly straight. Proceed to bend your knees to enter the squat position.


  • For this stretch, you are going to want to control your breathing. Think of it like you’re running, keep your breaths strong and steady.
  • Stand on one spot and slowly begin to swing your arms back and forth.
  • Try to keep your arms at a 90-degree angle.
  • Make sure that your arms don’t cross your body.
  • Gradually increase your speed until you are pushing yourself to your limit.

What Muscles Do Standing Arm Swings Benefit?

This stretch benefits the deltoids, biceps, triceps, and pectorals.

Standing arm swings are some of the best arms stretches that you could possibly practice. This is due to the fact that it targets so many areas within your upper body. If you only do one arm stretch before your workout, try to make it a standing arm swing.

How Long Should I Practice This Stretch: You should practice standing arm swings for 30-60 seconds or until you feel adequately warmed up.

Mistakes to Avoid

Swing your arms the correct way: Make sure you’re swinging your arms backward, rather than swinging them outward. Swinging your arms backward stretches the above-mentioned muscles. If you’re swinging them forward, you will be engaging with a different group of muscles and not accurately practicing standing arm swings.

What to do if chafing occurs: When it comes to these arm muscle stretches, if you feel any kind of chafing against your sides, then that means that you haven’t extended your arms enough. To resolve this try to make your circles bigger.

Issues with arm extension: This relates to the issue that is mentioned above, If you are struggling with extending your arms backward, focus on opening your chest and your shoulders.

3. Arm Circles:

Arm circles are often a go-to for many beginners, as not only are they considered to be good arm stretches but they are also easy to practice. In fact, this is one of the stretches to appear on this list, which the vast majority of people have experience in.

Starting Position: Stand tall with your feet a shoulder-width apart, ensuring that your arms are at your side. Try to engage your core and keep everything tight, you don’t want your arms to move during this stretch, not your entire body.


  • Breathe in as you slowly raise your arms so that they are stretched outward.
  • Breathe out as you begin to rotate your arms so that you’re making large circles in the air.
  • It is advised that you start slowly and controlled, gradually pick up speed when you feel comfortable. This will give your muscles time to adjust and engage with the stretch.
  • Once you complete this in one direction, change it up and rotate your arms in the opposing direction – e.g. If you rotate your arms in a clockwise direction, change and rotate anti-clockwise.

What Muscles Does This Stretch Benefit?:

This arm stretch engages the deltoids, biceps, and tricep muscles.

If you ever question how to stretch the arms, then starting with this simple dynamic stretch will be beneficial to your practice. As it is incredibly simple but targets multiple areas within the upper body.

How Long Should I Practice This Stretch For?: It is recommended that one rep should consist of you performing 10-15 circles in both directions. Practice this for anywhere from 5-7 minutes per day.

Mistakes to Avoid

Position of your palms: Many beginners practice this with their palms facing outward. Make sure that your palms are facing down towards the floor so that your hands are completely flat. If you are sticking your palms facing outward, then you’re putting more pressure on your wrist, meaning that it is more likely to become inured

Avoid moving your body whilst practicing this stretch: This would turn arm circles from a dynamic stretch into a ballistic stretch. If your entire body is bouncing and swirling around, then your arms will not be feeling the benefits.

4. Wall Bicep Stretch 

When looking for arm stretches for sore muscles, you may want to consider using wall bicep stretches. Stabilising your body on something sturdy will create more resistance against your muscle, allowing you to apply more pressure on it.

Incorporating the space around you is incredibly beneficial to athletes who are on a busy schedule and don’t have time to go to the gym. For more information on how to plan a home workout, this OriGym article offers insight and guidance on the matter.

Starting Position: Place one hand against the edge of a wall, with your hands at shoulder height. Ensure that your feet are shoulder length apart and place your other hand on your hip.


  • Breathe in, press your hand firmly against the wall, you will need to ensure that you are secure before starting this stretch.
  • Slowly begin to rotate your body away from the wall.
  • Breathe out as you fully engage the stretch.
  • This is a stretch for the upper arm, which you should feel within your arm and shoulder muscles.

What Muscles Does This Stretch Engage?: 

This upper arm stretch engages the biceps and the deltoids.

Wall bicep stretches are a great example of stretches for arm pain, if you suffer from any kind of nagging pain following your workout, you may want to consider applying slightly more pressure to the wall to allow your upper body to feel more resistance.

How Long Should I Hold This Stretch For?: It is recommended that you hold a wall bicep stretch for 30 seconds, before alternating to the other arm.

Mistakes to Avoid

Don’t Overstretch: When it comes to bicep stretches of any kind, one of the biggest mistakes people make is overstretching. You should be using these stretches for arm pain, not pushing yourself to extreme levels of discomfort that you begin to develop arm pain.

Keep Your Body Still: Avoid bouncing or moving your legs as you hold this pose. Fidgeting or wobbling will not allow your body to feel the beneficial properties that this stretch provides. Try to maintain your stability, in order to get the most out of this stretch.

5. Horizontal Arm Extensions

There are occasions where arm stretches names may be the only way to define two different practices, which look somewhat similar. Horizontal arm extensions are somewhat similar in practice to long arm chest stretches.

Whilst both of these examples are simple arm stretches, doing them correctly is still important to your overall performance.

Starting Position: In order to begin these pre-workout arm stretches, stand tall ensuring that your feet are a shoulder-width apart. Extend your hands out in front of you so that they are directly parallel to the floor.

Execution: There are many different types of arm stretches, but the execution of horizontal arm extensions is very similar to the execution of long arm chest stretches.

  • Begin these upper arm stretches by turning your thumb down so that your palms now face behind you.
  • Breathe in as you slowly begin to push your arms behind you.
  • Hold this pose for 15 seconds, try to maintain a strong core as you do so.
  • Breathe out whilst maintaining this pose and slowly begin to pulsate your shoulder blades and arms.
  • Return your arms to the extended position they started in, before repeating this process again.

What Muscles Does This Stretch Engage?: 

The pectorals, biceps, and deltoids are the muscles that are engaged when practicing this arms swing.

This is a great multi-functional stretch. If you’re looking for arm stretches warm-ups, then horizontal arm extensions would be a great addition to your routine as you’re working out multiple areas of the upper arm.

How Long Should I Hold This Stretch For?: Horizontal Arm Extensions are one of the best arms stretches for monitoring progress. Try holding this pose for 30 seconds in total, when initially attempting your first rep. However, if you want to feel the true benefit of these arm stretches the warm-up should consist of reps that gradually increase in duration.

For the most effective results conduct these stretches for the arm for a total of 2-3 sets.

Mistakes to Avoid

Focus on Your Form: It’s important to remember to focus on the names of arm stretches. Due to the fact that this practice is so similar to long chest stretches, it is easy to fall into the habit of performing one in place of the other. Remember, with horizontal arm extensions you hold the upper arm stretches before pulsating your shoulder blades. Whereas with long chest stretches, you merely extend and retract your arms as far as you can.

6. Triceps Extension

Tricep extensions offer more benefits compared to the other simple arm stretches you can do before a workout. This is because it is not only an example of an arm stretch but it can also be considered to be an example of resistance training.

There are many different types of arm stretches, but the ones which also incorporate an element of resistance training will also see you gaining muscle mass too. So, if you are someone who finds stretching a little boring then we’d recommend making it a little more exciting by incorporating some equipment.

Starting Position: The previous entries on this list have been examples of simple arm stretches. However, tricep extensions are somewhat more challenging. You will require a piece of equipment such as a resistance band, or elasticated material that you can stretch behind your back.

Place the elasticated piece of equipment behind your back. One hand should be holding this equipment from below, whilst your hand should be extended over your head in order to grab the elastic from the top. It may be easier to think of it as one of your elbows facing the ceiling, whilst the other is parallel to the floor.


  • Breathe in as you slowly begin to pull the elasticated piece of equipment towards your head.
  • Pull it well above your head and you should begin to feel the stretch within your tricep muscles.
  • Breathe out as you begin to pull the elasticated material in the opposing direction, this time pulling it towards the floor.

What Muscles Does This Stretch Engage?: 

This arm stretch only engages the triceps muscles.

Tricep extensions are great stretches for arm day, as they are not only a good way to warm up but if you grab a weight, they also act as a form of resistance training. This means that you’ll be able to stretch your muscles whilst building them too.

How Long Should I Hold This Stretch For: 

Tricep extensions are another perfect example of stretches for arm day. Your triceps will feel the most benefit if you hold these stretches for 30 seconds at a time. Much like with other stretches to feature on this list, think of it as an endurance challenge, gradually increasing the duration of your rep.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Safety in relation to over-extension: Tricep extensions are great upper arm stretches for pain. But as we have already discussed it can be a dangerous cycle to get into. Try not to pull too hard or over-extend your reach, as this could result in pulled muscles.

Safety Relating to Equipment Use: Keep tight hold of the elasticated material/resistance band. It is easy to let it slip out of your hand and may snap back and hit your body.

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7. Tricep Pulldown

We have already covered one within the previous entry on this list, but tricep pulldowns are another example of stretches for the upper arm that incorporates a piece of resistance-based equipment.

For this stretch, we recommend using a resistance band. If you’re looking for examples of arm stretches for sore muscles, then try to incorporate elements of resistance training into your pre-workout stretching routine.

Starting Positions:

Stand tall with your feet placed a shoulder-width apart. Place one hand on your chest just below the shoulder, ensuring that your resistance band is held firmly in place. Then wrap the opposing end of the resistance device around your other hand.

Note that when the band is wrapped around your hand it should be kept on level with your hip.


  • Breathe in as you push down on the resistance band that is held against your chest.
  • During this inhale of breath, pull down on the opposing hand, so that the resistance band begins to stretch.
  • Extend the band as far as you can without hurting yourself.
  • Breath out as you slowly ease the tension created, returning the band wrapped in your hand to the starting position.

What Muscles Does This Stretch Engage?

This arm stretch engages the triceps muscles.

Whilst this and the previous point are technically different types of arm stretches, they both engage the same muscles using the same piece of equipment.

How Long Should You Hold This Stretch?

Tricep pulldowns are one of the stretches for the arms that become more beneficial with practice. Like with the previous example of resistance training, begin with 30-second reps and gradually increase the amount of time that you practice it for.

Mistakes to Avoid 

Ensure you’re doing the correct stretch: Due to the similarities in practice, once again it is important to be aware of which of the arm stretches you are doing. You’ll need to know the difference between tricep pulldowns and tricep extensions in order to avoid slipping into improper form.

Issues with over-extension: As these tricep pulldowns are stretches for arm pain, we would advise you to not extend your arms too far. Remember these stretches are used to combat arm pain not cause them, by engaging with the practice of overextension, you could severely injure an important joint.

Safety when using equipment: General safety whilst using the resistance equipment is advised, this time be aware that it could hit you in the face. So take extra caution when using this equipment.

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Keeping with the theme of this article, have a read of these articles below:

Post-Workout Arm Stretches:

Now that we have covered stretches for arms that you can practice before your workout, we can now offer you a list of post-workout arm stretches. These stretches act in opposition to the ones that have come before them, instead of being dynamic these movements are categorised as being static arm stretches.

Static stretches require you to hold one single position for an allotted period of time. Therefore, when it comes to static arm stretches, you will have to hold these arm stretches instead of moving your body.

8. Overhead Tricep Stretches

One of the benefits of practicing arm stretches after a workout is that you get to rest when you’re doing them. For this stretch, you can either do it standing or sitting however, please note that if you are going to sit, you will ideally want a seat that will not impair access to your back.

Starting Position: Stand or sit tall and bring one arm over your head. Drop your forearm behind you, ensuring that it is resting between your shoulder blades.


  • Breathe in and with your other hand grab right above your bent elbow and pull gently.
  • If you’re doing this successfully you should feel the stretch within your shoulder.
  • Try to keep your bicep close to your ear, but don’t force it past it.
  • Breathe out, as you gently let go of the pose before alternating to the opposing arm.

What Muscles Does This Stretch Engage?

When practicing this stretch, it is the tricep muscle that feels the most benefit.

When it comes to arm stretches after workouts, overhead triceps stretches are great, especially if you’re still relatively new to exercising. They are easy to perform and will ease your muscles after an intense bout of exercising.

How Long Should I Hold This Stretch For? 

When it comes to arm stretches the cool down process is somewhat customisable to your comfort. It is recommended that you hold this stretch for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side, but if you’re feeling too uncomfortable following your exercise you may want to take it a little easier.

Mistakes to Avoid

The importance of relaxation: When it comes to these post-workout arm stretches, you shouldn’t get too complicit and relax. Just because you can sit down, does not mean that you should half-step this stretch. Still give it your all, in order to feel the most benefit of the stretch.

Don’t force your arm down too hard: You could seriously injure your shoulder. You should be gentle with the pressure you apply, as to avoid severe injury or damage to a key joint.

9. Wrist Pull

If you’re interested in practicing arm flexibility stretches, then you may want to practice wrist pulls, otherwise known as wrist rotations. When it comes to entries on this list, wrist pulls/rotations can also be considered to be good lower arm stretches.

Starting Position: Stand tall with your feet planted a shoulder-width apart. Cross your hands and apply pressure to the bottom hand, ensuring that your fingers are pointing down to the floor.


  • Breathe in as you begin to apply pressure to the bottom hand.
  • Slowly raise your arm that is on the bottom, until your shoulder meets your face.
  • Hold this position staying perfectly still for 3-5 seconds.
  • Breathe out as you lower your arm back to your side, never letting go of the pressure applied to the lower hand.

What Muscles Do Wrist Pulls Engage? 

Wrist pulls engage the triceps and deltoids muscles.

When it comes to upper arm stretches for pain, you may be interested to know that wrist pulls can help to relieve pain or strains that have been caused by exercise. Just make sure that you don’t put too much pressure on your hand.

How Long Should I Practice This Stretch For?

Realistically you should follow the pattern of holding this stretch for 30-60 seconds. However, you can adapt its length to your personal level of comfort.

Mistakes to Avoid

Don’t apply too much pressure to your hand: You want to be feeling most of this stretch within the triceps and deltoids area. These are stretches for arms not for hands, by applying too much pressure to your fingers you may injure yourself, with an injury of this kind you could potentially not be able to exercise for quite some time, so take care.

10. Seated Biceps Stretch

During arm stretches in the cool down you want to try and make things as easy for yourself as possible. Seat yourself on the floor, or preferably something comfortable like a yoga mat or a pillow.

Starting Position: For this stretch sit with your head, neck, and spine all in one straight line. Sit tall and proud, avoid slumping or arching your back otherwise, you won’t feel the benefits that these arm muscle stretches provide.


  • Whilst sitting on the floor bend your knees, so that they meet your eye level.
  • Lean backward and place your hand’s palm down onto the ground behind you.
  • Push your hips forward, whilst keeping your hands and legs planted where they are. You should feel a gentle stretch within your arms and shoulders.

What Muscles Does This Stretch Engage?

As the name suggests, seated biceps stretches engage the biceps muscles.

Seated bicep stretches are a great example of static arm stretches that engage your upper arms. This may be a good stretch to use at the end of your cool-down exercise, as you’ll be able to fully relax after your workout.

How Long Should I Hold This Position For: 

Like with the other arm stretches for the cool-down process, you can realistically hold this stretch for as long as you feel comfortable. However, a recommended length of time to hold this stretch is 30-60 seconds.

Mistakes to Avoid

Try to say as static as possible: During this stretch, you should be pushing your hips gently forward and not rocking back and forth. Be aware of your body movements, in order to accurately perform this stretch.

Stability: Make sure that you are stabilised with your hands and legs. Try not to fall too far back or disturb your spinal alignment. Doing either one of these could result in incorrect form, which if carried on over time could lead to an injury.

11. Standing Biceps Stretch

Once again this is an instance where the names of arm stretches are somewhat similar to one that has already been featured on our list. However, the most obvious difference between these two is that one is performed standing up whilst you can practice the other sitting down.

Starting Position: 

Stand tall ensuring that your head, neck, and spine are all in one straight line. Keep your feet planted firmly on the floor at a shoulder’s length distance apart.


  • Breathe in as you extend your arms behind your back.
  • Interlock your hands behind you and slowly begin to push your arms further behind you.
  • Breathe out as you slowly pull your arms back to your side.

What Muscles Does This Engage?

The biceps are the muscle group that feels the most benefit from standing bicep stretches.

Much like its standing counterpart, the sitting biceps stretch targets one specific muscle. However, both practices can be classified as upper arm stretches for pain, as they can help to relieve any tension or stress created by the exercising.

How Long Should I Hold This Stretch For:

As per usual with cool-down arm stretches it is recommended that you hold this for 30-60 seconds, or for however long you’re comfortable.

Mistakes to Avoid

Stay as static as possible: A common mistake that is made with this stretch is rocking back and forth or bending your spine. Make sure that you stand still, with a spine that is perfectly aligned.

12. Standing Arms Behind The Back Bicep Stretch 

The ‘standing arms behind the back’ biceps stretch is a great example of upper arm stretches for pain. Combat any aches or minor annoyances with this simple arm stretch that will benefit your upper body.

Starting Position: Stand tall by ensuring that your spine is perfectly aligned. Interlock your hands behind your back and keep them on level with your waist.


  • Breathe in as you slowly begin to raise your arms behind you.
  • Slowly begin to tilt your upper body, until your eye level meets the floor.
  • Hold this pose and try to keep your arms as straight as possible.
  • Breathe out as you slowly begin to lower your arms and align your spine. 

What Muscles Does This Stretch Engage?

Standing arms behind the backstretch helps to engage the biceps muscles.

This simple static arm stretch is great if you suffer from aches or pains within your upper body region.

How Long Should I Hold This Stretch For: It is recommended that you hold this particular arm stretch for a total of 30-60 seconds.

Mistakes to Avoid

Good arm stretches require proper form: Try to not push yourself beyond your limits. Only raise your arms to a level at which they feel comfortable, you should be feeling slight resistance that doesn’t cause much of a struggle.

13. Doorway Bicep Stretch 

Resistance-based arm stretches are a great way to cool down after an intense workout. Doorway bicep stretches are one of the most basic static stretches you can do, they require very little effort but will provide your body with plenty of benefits.

Starting Position: 

Stand tall in the center of a doorway. Make sure your head, neck, and spine are in a perfectly straight line and your feet are planted firmly on the ground.


  • Breathe in and extend one arm horizontally across to the other side of the doorframe.
  • Place one leg in front of the other and push your body forward.
  • Breathe out as you bring your legs together and lower your arm.
  • Repeat on the opposing arm.

What Muscles Does This Stretch Engage? 

Once again, as the name of the stretch implies, the biceps are the muscle group that feels the most benefit of this stretch.

When it comes to the best stretches for arm pain, resistance-based moves such as doorway bicep stretches benefit any arm pains you may have from exercising. Try not to push too much force against the wall, you want your biceps to feel comfortable, not painful.

How Long Should I Hold This Stretch For: 

You should hold this stretch for 30-60 seconds on each arm. Your cool-down technique can be adapted to your preference of course, but try to ensure that you hold it long enough to feel the benefit of the stretch.

Mistakes to Avoid

Don’t apply too much pressure to your arm: You could injure your arm and shoulder if you push too hard against the wall. You should be gentle with yourself when stretching important joints, when practicing this stretch you should feel light resistance and should at no point feel any kind of pain.

14. Horizontal Tricep Stretch

If you’re looking for arm flexibility stretches, then we would recommend incorporating this simplistic static stretch into your cool-down routine. Like other entries on this list, many of you may have already been incorporating this stretch into your everyday practice, but do you know how this stretch benefits your body?

Starting Position: 

Stand tall with your head, neck, and spine all in one perfectly straight line. Raise your right arm and cross it along your body.


  • Breathe in and place your left arm underneath the right at a 180-degree angle, with your elbow facing the floor
  • Gently push both arms together, if you’re doing this correctly you should feel resistance within your right shoulder
  • Hold this stretch and continue to push both arms against one another
  • Breath out and slowly lower both arms
  • Repeat this process for the opposing arm

What Muscles Does This Stretch Engage?

This muscle helps to engage the deltoids, triceps, and pectorals.

This is one of the most beneficial stretches for the upper arm. By simply crossing your arms over one another after a workout, you can strengthen and stretch 3 of the primary muscles within the upper body.

If your main goal of fitness is strengthening and building muscle, it may be worth your while clicking here, for OriGym’s article on the topic of getting bigger arms in a faster and efficient manner.

How Long Should I Hold This For?

Whilst your comfort during post-workout stretches is paramount, it is recommended that you traditionally hold this stretch for 30 seconds on each arm.

Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid putting too much pressure on your arm: Placing too much pressure on the extended arm could potentially injure your shoulder. Once again you should be aware of your body at all times, if something doesn’t feel right or is causing you any kind of pain stop immediately.

15. Leaning Tricep Stretch

If you’re looking for another resistance-based post-workout arm stretch, then look no further than leaning tricep stretches.

Starting Position: 

Face a wall standing an arm’s width away, don’t stand too close as you will not be able to execute the stretch accurately. Your line of sight should be directed parallel to the wall.


  • Raise one of your elbows above your head.
  • Breathe in as you place your elbow against the wall and lean your chest towards the wall.
  • Bring your forearm towards your neck and place your hand on the back of your neck.
  • Push enough force against your arm so that you can feel the stretch within your upper arm.
  • Breathe out as you push your body away from the wall, lowering your arm back down to your side.
  • Repeat on the opposite arm.

What Muscles Does This Stretch Engage?

The Triceps are the muscles that feel the most benefit from practicing this particular stretch.

Resistance-based arm stretches for the cool-down process are a great way to relax your worked-out muscles. Try to incorporate at least one resistance-based stretch where you’re not solely relying on your own body weight.

How Long Should I Hold This:

Once again your own comfort is what really matters, as your cool-down process will be entirely unique to you. However, the general recommended time to hold this pose is 30 seconds for each arm.

Mistakes to Avoid

Don’t stand too close to the wall: You won’t feel the true benefit of the wall if you’re leaning against it for support. Stand on your own two feet, with no added support.

Don’t apply too much pressure: Once again, this point is all about safety. You don’t want to force your arm into the wall too hard, this will only result in an injury. Apply just enough pressure to feel the benefit of the stretch, but not too much that you begin to feel pain.


What are some other examples of lower arm stretches?

Within this article, we predominantly focused on stretches for the upper arm, but if you’re interested in incorporating lower arm stretches into your pre/post-workout process, then we would recommend trying some of the following:

  • Wrist Supination
  • Forearm Extensor Stretch
  • Sitting Forearm Stretch
  • Prayer Stretch

Why is stretching important?

Stretching your muscles fixes the shortening which occurs when they’re not in use. By stretching you are effectively stretching your muscles to their full length. The more you stretch your muscles, the stronger and more flexible your muscles become.

This will help to increase your range of motion, improve your posture and fight off any nagging pains you may suffer. In addition to this, if your muscles are stronger and more flexible, then it will reduce the risk of injury.

Before You Go!

We hope our comprehensive guide into arm stretches has benefited your overall practice. We recommend trying to incorporate some of these dynamic and static stretches into your pre and post-workout routines if you want to feel the optimum effects.

Remember to be careful when stretching, don’t force yourself to do anything you’re not comfortable with. Stretching should be beneficial to you, rather than a hindrance, practice safely and you’ll reap the rewards in no time.

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About the Author: James Bickerstaff

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James holds a BA (Hons) in Creative Writing and Film Studies and has recently gained a MA degree in Film, both of which he attained from Liverpool John Moores University. After taking up the couch to 5K challenge on a whim, James found a new passion for running, which he combines with his love for healthy cooking and writing. All of this led him to becoming a copywriter for OriGym.   When he is not writing content for the site, James can be found researching new recipes, writing music reviews, reading and watching latest film releases.  

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