Whether you’re just starting out as a yoga teacher or own your own studio, Google Ads are one of the best marketing tools for your business.

But with so much to consider, it can be hard to know where to start! That’s why we’ve compiled the ultimate step-by-step guide to creating yoga Google Ads, covering:

Before we get started, take your yoga business to the next level by taking OriGym’s Level 4 yoga teacher training course! Enquire today, or get more information by downloading our free course prospectus here.

Why You Should Use Google Ads As A Yoga Teacher

Before we get into how to use Google Ads for yoga teachers, let’s first establish exactly what they are.

Google Ads are a form of paid advertising that help a web page rank more highly in Google search results.

They work on a Pay Per Click (PPC) basis, meaning that businesses pay Google for the advertisement based on how many clicks their website receives.

Google Ads target a specific search term, or ‘keyword’.

We’ll cover how to find and target keywords in more detail later in this article. But for now, let’s see exactly what a Google ad looks like:

For example, let’s say someone is looking for a yoga class in Manchester and searches for the term ‘yoga manchester’, producing the following results:

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As you can see, the first result to come up is a business that has paid for a Google ad to appear at the top of the search results page. This is indicated by the word ‘Sponsored’ above the result.

This means that this business page appears above all other results- including the Google My Business page results.

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As you can see, these ‘organic’ results (i.e. they have not paid for Google ads) appear below the sponsored results.

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But why is appearing further up on the Google search results page so important?

The main reason is that using yoga Google ads is one of the best ways to increase lead generation.

In fact, results that appear on the first Google search results page generate 80% of traffic for that keyword.

In terms of Google ads themselves, they have a Click Through Rate (CTR) of 6%. This means that 6% of users who search for the keyword you are targeting will click on your page!

This can be explained by the fact that when people are searching for something- such as a yoga class in Manchester, they want to find what they are looking for as quickly as possible.

That is why they are more likely to click on a result that appears higher up on the search results page, rather than scrolling down further!

Another reason why yoga teacher Google ads are such an effective marketing tool is that by increasing traffic to your website, they increase your sales.

This is because the ‘conversion rate’ of Google ads is 4.2%. This means that 4.2% of users who click on a Google ad search result will then go on to make a sale on that page.

In the context of yoga teaching, this could be booking onto a class, or purchasing a product on your website.

In comparison, the conversion rate of organic search results (i.e. not Google ads) is just 0.55%.

This clearly demonstrates the power of Google ads for yoga instructors as a marketing tool!

Step 1- Create An Account To Start Making Yoga Google Ads

The first step in creating yoga teacher Google ads is to create a Google Ads account.

To do this, simply go to the Google Ads platform and click ‘Start Now’, and you will be guided through the process.

You will need a Google account (i.e. a Gmail email address) to set up Google Ads. If you don’t already have one, you can do this here.

Once you have a Google account, you can then click on ‘New Google Ads Account’.

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You will then be promoted to give other information about your business, such as your currency and billing information.

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Step 2- Decide On The Right Kind Of Yoga Google Ad Campaign

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Before you actually start creating your Google ads for yoga teachers, you should make sure to decide on the type of campaign you will create.

In advertising, a ‘campaign’ simply means an advertising strategy.

There are 5 main types of Google ad campaign:

  • Search campaign
  • Display campaign
  • Shopping campaign
  • Video campaign
  • App campaign

In this article, we will be discussing the first option: search campaigns.

As we have said, this type of advert is in the form of a sponsored search result.

This is the best option for Google ads for yoga instructors because when looking for a yoga class or studio, most people will search on Google. It is therefore worthwhile investing your time and money in targeting these people!

There are also 3 different options for how you can pay for your yoga Google ads:

  • Pay per click
  • Pay per impression
  • Pay per engagement

Just like for fitness Facebook ads, the best payment option to choose is the Pay Per Click (PPC) method.

This means that you will only pay Google when someone actually clicks on your website, making it the most cost-effective option.

We will cover exactly how this works in Step 5 of this article when you select your budget!

Step 3- Use The Keyword Planner To Find Keywords For Your Yoga Studio Google Ads

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The next step in creating Google ads for yoga teachers is to find the keywords you want to target.

Keywords are an important part of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), as they are essentially the words that your target audience are typing into Google.

We have a whole guide here to yoga teacher SEO for more detail about how this works!

But in summary, keywords are words or phrases that you can target with your yoga Google ads. In other words, they are the words or phrases that users are searching on Google.

The best way to find your keywords for your yoga Google ads is by using the Google Keyword Planner.

The Google Keyword Planner is a free tool that helps you generate keywords for your business, and tells you:

  • The frequency of the search of that keyword, i.e. how many searches a keyword gets per month.
  • How much that keyword costs on average to target

You can therefore use the tool to search for keywords with high average searches and decide which to target based on your budget.

So, how do you use the Google Keyword Planner?

Firstly, you will be asked whether you want to discover new keywords, or look at existing keywords to see how well they are ranking.

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If you’re just starting out with yoga studio Google ads, it is best to select the option to discover new keywords.

This is because this allows you to search various keywords on a trial and error basis to find ones that are both relevant to your business and within your budget.

Let’s say you own a yoga studio in Liverpool and want to find keywords to target with your ads.

You could start by searching the Keyword Planner for keywords such as:

  • Yoga studio Liverpool
  • Yoga liverpool
  • Yoga teacher liverpool
  • Yoga classes liverpool

Screenshot – keyword planner showing a search for these keywords. Similar to this one (but with different keywords)

As you can see, the tool will show you both:

  • ‘Keywords you provided’- exact matches from the keywords you provided
  • ‘Keyword ideas’- suggestions for other related keywords based on the ones you provided

Then, for all keywords found, the main columns you will need to look at are:

  • ‘Average monthly searches’ – this will tell you which keywords are searched the most
  • ‘Top of page bid (low range)’ and ‘Top of page big (high range)’ – this tells you how much you can expect to pay-per-click for targeting that keyword with your yoga Google ads.

You can then use this information to write a list of keywords that are both relevant to your business and fit your budget.

This list is what you will use when creating your yoga Google Ads, which we will discuss next!

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Step 4- Design Your Yoga Studio Google Ads

Now that you have a list of keywords that you want to target with your yoga Google ads, you are now ready to start the process of designing your ads!

There are 8 main steps involved:

  1. Select Your Yoga Google Ads Campaign Objective

The first step in setting up your yoga Google ads is to select the objective for your campaign.

This is important as it helps Google determine things such as the audience you want to target and how to spend your budget.

As you can see, you will presented with a number of options:

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The best option to choose here is ‘Leads’. This is what will get users to visit your website and take an action like signing up to a class and ultimately help you earn money!

You will then be asked to select the type of ad you want to create.

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As we have discussed, the option to choose here is a ‘Search’ campaign, as you are trying to get your website high up on the Google search results page.

You can then specify your goals further by telling Google how you want to achieve your objective.

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Here, we recommend selecting ‘Website visits’, as this is the aim of creating your yoga studio Google ads.

Finally, on this same page, you can enter the name of your campaign. This is just for your reference only, so something like ‘yoga’ is enough!

2- Select The Bid Strategy For Your Yoga Google Ads Campaign

The next stage of creating Google ads for yoga instructors is to tell Google how you want to pay for your ads- known as a ‘Bid Strategy’.

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There are a few different options for how to pay for your yoga Google ads. But here, we recommend selecting ‘Conversions’.

This means that you will only pay Google if someone clicks on your advert and turns into a lead.

You can then select a target CPA (‘cost per action’). This means that Google will try to only spend this amount of your budget (which you will set later in this process), on conversions from your ad.

3- Specify The Location For Your Yoga Google Ads

The next step in creating Google ads for yoga teachers is to select the location that you want your ads to appear in.

Google will then use this information to only show your ad to users in your target location.

This helps you ensure that your yoga Google ad is reaching your target audience. This makes it more likely that you will generate leads from your ad!

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The location you choose will depend on the nature of your yoga business.

For example, if you are creating yoga studio Google ads, your business operates from a specific address.

You should therefore select your location to be within a certain radius of that address, so that you target people from that area who are likely to actually go to your studio and become paying customers.

After all, someone in London is unlikely to be looking for a yoga studio in Liverpool!

However, if you are an online yoga teacher, you can use a wider radius, as you are not limited by a physical location.

Here, you can also select the languages that you want your Google Ads to appear in.

4- Select The Keywords For Your Yoga Google Ads

Next, you will then be asked to add the keywords that you want your ads to target.

This is where you will use the keyword research you did using the Google Keyword Planner in Step 4!

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5- Write Your Yoga Google Ads

Once you have completed these settings, it is now time to write the actual advert itself!

Below is an example of how we would write a Google ad for our yoga teacher training course page here at OriGym.

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As you can see, this is where you write the text that will appear on the search result on Google.

It is therefore worth taking time to perfect this, as this is ultimately what will make users decide whether to click on your page or not!

You should therefore make sure to include some of your chosen keywords in the headlines and description text. This ensures that your page targets users searching for that keyword.

The headlines should describe what your business does, including information such as:

  • Your business name
  • Location
  • Yoga style e.g. hot yoga
  • Another unique selling point of your business, e.g. a female only studio, prenatal yoga etc.

The description should provide some more detail about your business and a Call To Action (CTA). This is a short phrase that encourages the user to take action.

Below is a great example of what to include in a yoga studio Google ad.

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As you can see, it is clear what the studio offers (hot yoga) and where it is (Nottingham).

They have also given a brief description and a CTA (Join us today).

7- Set Your Budget For Your Yoga Google Ads Campaign

The next stage of creating Google ads for yoga instructors is to set the budget for your campaign.

Setting a budget for advertising and marketing is an important part of your yoga studio business plan.

You may be wondering, how much should a yoga teacher Google ads budget be?

Unfortunately, there is no concrete answer to this!

Your Google ads budget depends on lots of factors that will vary for every teacher or studio, such as:

  • How much you are spending on other marketing strategies (e.g. social media advertising, printed marketing materials). Considering this before you start creating your ads will help you determine how much you have to spend, ensuring that your budget isn’t too much or too little.
  • The size of your business. As your yoga business grows and you start earning more, you can of course afford to spend more than if you were just starting out.
  • The price for your chosen keyword(s). We will explain how to find this out using the Google Keyword Planner in Step 4.
  • How much your competitors are spending. You can use SEO tools such as Ahrefs to see how much your competitors are spending on keywords.

When creating your ads, Google will ask you to determine how much you want to spend on average each day.

You can choose from their recommended daily budgets, or manually set your own.

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As you can see, this is an ‘average’ budget, meaning that Google will not strictly stick to this budget every day. This means that some days you may go over this budget, but it will be balanced out by going under budget another day.

When it comes to your budget for yoga Google ads, remember that it is completely scalable!

So whilst you may only make a small initial investment of a few pounds a day, as you start to see results and earn more, your budget can then increase too. This is what makes Google ads one of the best marketing tools for running a successful yoga studio or business.

8- Review And Publish Your Yoga Google Ads

Finally, you can now review your yoga Google ad to ensure that everything is correct before you make it live!

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Once you are happy with everything, you can publish your ad and start to reap the rewards!

3 Key Tips For Creating Yoga Google Ads

Now that we’ve covered the basics of how to create yoga teacher Google ads, here are some top tips to maximise the success of your ads!

#1 – Use Google Analytics To Monitor How Your Yoga Teacher Google Ads Perform

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Once you have posted your ad, this doesn’t mean that your work is done!

After publishing your yoga Google ads, you should use Google Analytics to keep track of your campaign and monitor its progress.

Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool that tracks and reports statistics for websites for SEO and marketing purposes.

It tracks data on lots of aspects of your website. But for the purposes of creating Google ads for yoga teachers, Google Analytics can show you:

  • How many people are clicking on your ad
  • How long users stay on your page
  • How many leads your ad is generating, i.e. how many users are being converted into leads, enquiries or paying customers
  • What users do after they click your ad, i.e. the action they take on your page, such as making a purchase or submitting an enquiry form.

It is therefore a useful tool to find out what works and what doesn’t work for your Google ads. You can then use that information to make improvements to your ad to make them more effective, and ultimately make more money from them!

For example, you may find that users are clicking your page, but not turning into paying customers when they reach your page.

This may then lead you to redesign your website or landing page to include a clearer CTA, encouraging users to take an action such as signing up for a class or buying a membership.

You could then come back to Google Analytics and see if your changes have increased the amount of sales being made from your ad!

To get started with Google Analytics, you will need to create a Google Analytics account, which you can do here.

You will then need to link your Google Analytics account with your Google Ads account by navigating through the ‘Tools’ menu on your Google accounts page.

#2 – Use Both Short and Long-Tail Keywords In Your Yoga Google Ads

As we have said, keyword research is a vital part of creating yoga teacher Google ads.

When deciding on the keywords you are going to target with your ads, it is a good idea to include a variety of both specific and broad keywords.

As we will explain below, whilst broad keywords are important, there should be more specific keywords if you are just starting out with Google ads for yoga instructors.

Include A Few Broad (Short-Tail) Keywords In Your Yoga Studio Google Ads

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Also known as ‘short-tail keywords’, these are usually words or short phrases that cover broad and general topics.

Some examples of this for yoga Google ads are:

  • Yoga classes
  • Yoga near me
  • Yoga studio

Broad keywords such as these are useful because they technically allow you to reach a wider audience.

They have a higher search volume than more specific keywords, meaning that more people are searching for them each day, and so generate more traffic.

However for this same reason, short-tail keywords are much more competitive.

For example, the keyword ‘yoga classes’ applies to almost every yoga business in the world! It will therefore be very hard for your page to appear high up on the search results page for this keyword, particularly if your business is just starting out.

This competition then means that they are more expensive to target than long-tail keywords (which we will discuss next).

Another thing to consider about with short-tail keywords is that although they may generate more traffic, they actually lead to less conversions.

Short-tail keywords often don’t meet the intent of the user, i.e. they don’t satisfy what they are looking for. This is because since they are generally broad terms, they can have several different meanings for different users.

For example, take the short-term keyword ‘yoga class’.

This could have several different intents for each user, such as:

  • Someone looking for a yoga class near them
  • Someone looking for an online yoga class
  • A teacher wanting to know how to plan and structure a yoga class

It is therefore difficult to ensure that a short-tail keyword meets the intent of the user, meaning that they are less likely to click on your page.

Or if they do, they are less likely to stay on the page and turn into a sale, if the page doesn’t meet their intent.

So although short-tail keywords may generate more traffic, it is harder to convert this traffic into sales and ultimately harder to make money as a yoga teacher!

With this in mind, it is a good idea to target just a few short-tail keywords with your yoga Google ads, as your budget allows.

Focus On Specific (Long-Tail) Keywords When Creating Google Ads For Yoga Teachers

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Also known as ‘long-tail keywords’, these are usually more specific words or longer phrases.

They typically have a lower search volume than short-term keywords, since they are usually to meet a very particular user intent.

They may therefore not generate as much traffic as short-tail keywords. But the traffic that they do generate is more likely to be turned into a lead or sale!

Long-tail keywords are therefore a lot less competitive, since you are only competing with others in your specific yoga target market, rather than every single type of ‘yoga class’ in the world!

This therefore means that they typically cost less to target too.

However, finding long-tail keywords to use in your yoga studio Google ads takes more research to ensure that you are targeting ones that are worthwhile.

One of the best ways to use long-tail keywords to use in Google ads for yoga instructors are location keywords.

For example, ‘yoga class Manchester’ is a long-tail location keyword.

Someone searching for this term is clearly looking for a specific thing- a yoga class in Manchester.

Including this keyword in your yoga Google ads therefore means that your page will meet a more specific user intent.

Plus, there is less competition for location keywords, since you are only competing with other businesses in that location.

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This not only means that you will generate more traffic, but this traffic is then more likely to be converted into a lead or sale.

As well as specifying the name of the location in the keyword, another way to use target users from a specific location is through phrases such as:

  • ‘Yoga class near me’
  • ‘Find a yoga teacher near me’

Google then uses the IP address of the user to display results local to them.

This means that even if they don’t specify the location in their search term, your yoga Google ad will still appear to people in your area!

Finally, you can also use long-tail keywords based on the type of yoga you offer.

For example, if you are an Ashtanga yoga teacher, the keyword ‘Ashtanga yoga class birmingham’ would help you target a specific user intent in a specific location (people looking for Ashtanga yoga in Birmingham).

Again, this means that you are targeting a more specific audience, making it more likely that you will generate traffic that will then convert into leads or sales.

With this in mind, make sure to include some broad short-tail keywords to target a wider audience, but most of your keywords should be more specific long-tail keywords.

This may take more time and effort, but it will ultimately lead to more leads and sales from your yoga teacher Google ads!

#3 – Optimise The Page That Your Yoga Google Ads Leads To

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Our final tip for creating Google ads for yoga instructors is to optimise the page that your ad directs users to, also known as a ‘landing page’.

But in summary, a landing page is simply a web page that users land on from an external source- such as Google.

It is usually focused on getting users to take a specific, targeted action, such as:

  • Submit an enquiry
  • Sign up to a class or event
  • Make a purchase

You should ensure that as soon as users are taken to your landing page, they find exactly what they are looking for.

If your landing page is not optimised and the action you want them to take is not clear, users will navigate away from your page, back to the search results page and choose another page instead!

This not only means that you have lost out on a potential paying customer, but it also increases your ‘click back rate’, which negatively impacts your website’s SEO and visibility.

After all, as we have mentioned, you are paying Google for every click your advert gets. You should therefore ensure that every click is worthwhile and leads to an enquiry or a sale!

The best way to do this is by ensuring that your landing page has a clear Call To Action (CTA).

This should be visible as soon as users land on your page!

For example, let’s say someone searches for the term ‘hot yoga newcastle’.

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As you can see, the first result to appear is a paid result, indicated by the word ‘Sponsored’.

Already from the search title, we can see that they have optimised their yoga studio Google ad by including a long-tail keyword ‘hot yoga studio in Newcastle’ in the headline.

When you click onto this page, the user is taken to the landing page:

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This is a great example of a landing page for yoga studio Google ads.

Not only does it clearly give information about the studio (brand name, logo, address), but it also makes it very easy for users to be converted into sales.

This is done by using a clear CTA (the ‘Book A Class’ button). So from just one click, they are directed to a sales page where they will become a paying customer!

By reducing the steps the user has to take from the search results page, they are more likely to find what they are looking for on your page, making the cost of your yoga Google ads worthwhile.

Before You Go!

So, we hope you now have everything you need to know about creating yoga teacher Google ads and how they can benefit your yoga business!

Feeling inspired? Take your yoga teaching career to the next level by becoming a Level 4 yoga teacher with OriGym! Enquire today, or download our free course prospectus for more information about the range of courses we offer.

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About the Author: Alice Williams

Alice OriGym Author
Alice graduated with a First-Class degree in French and Linguistics from the University of Leeds in 2019. As part of her degree, she spent a year living in France where she worked for a lifestyle blog, gaining professional experience in both translation and content writing. Alice is also a qualified yoga teacher, allowing her write from a place of expertise when it comes to yoga! When she’s not writing or practicing yoga, she also loves running, cooking and music!

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