Whether you’ve just qualified or have been a personal trainer for years, having a strong website is essential for gaining new clients and building your business. 

But with so much to consider, it can be hard to know where to start! That’s why we’ve compiled the ultimate guide to how to make a personal training website, covering:

Before we get started, why not take your career in fitness to the next level by becoming a Level 4 personal trainer with OriGym? Enquire today, or download our free course prospectus for more information about the range of courses we offer. 

3 Ways To Build A Personal Training Website

When it comes to how to make a personal trainer website, there are 3 main routes you can take:

1- Use A Website Builder To Build A Personal Training Website

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A website builder is essentially a tool that allows you to easily build a website, without the need for complex manual coding. 

This is the best option and is the process that we will outline in this article. 

Some benefits of using a website builder are:

  • You don’t need any prior experience in coding or web design
  • Convenient and easy to use
  • Cost-effective- most website builders are very affordable or even free!
  • Quick to set-up

This is therefore a particularly good option if you are just starting your personal training business and are limited on time, budget and skills! 

We will explore more about using a website builder in Step 1 of this article. 

2- Hire Someone To Build A PT Website For You

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If you want an even more hands-off approach to creating your website, you may want to consider hiring someone to do it all for you!

This is a good option if you have been in the industry for a while and have the budget to spend on personal trainer outsourcing.

By hiring someone to take care of your website for you, you will have more time to spend on focusing on other aspects of your business and your clients! 

You can find someone to do this using online freelance platforms such as Fiverr and UpWork.

3- Build A Personal Training Website Yourself From Scratch

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The final and most difficult option for building your personal training website is to do it all yourself!

Of course, you will need a high level of skills in computing, coding and web design in order to do this. 

You will likely also need to invest a significant amount in software and hardware.

This is therefore not an option for most personal trainers, especially if you have only just got into the industry! 

How to Make A Personal Training Website Using A Website Builder

With the above options in mind, we’re going to explain how to create a personal training website using a website builder in 7 steps.

Step 1 – Decide On A Website Builder To Build A PT Website

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As we have said, the most efficient, easiest and cost-effective option for most personal trainers wanting to build a website is to use a website builder. 

With so many out there, here are some things to consider when it comes to choosing a website builder:

  • Your budget- this will determine how much you are willing to spend on your website builder, if anything at all! 
  • Your own web design skills and experience
  • How easy it is to use
  • Whether it includes any SEO features
  • Whether it offers resources and support

Once you have considered these factors, you will then have a better idea of exactly which type of website builder is best for you.

We have a whole list here of the best personal trainer website builders, but here are some of the most popular website builders out there for you to consider:

These are all great options, but with over 43% of websites being powered by it, the most popular website builder is WordPress– and for good reason!

However, you should note that there are 2 versions of WordPress: wordpress.com, and wordpress.org.

WordPress.com is the version used mostly by bloggers or those simply starting a website as a hobby, since it has very limited features. 

WordPress.org is a ‘self-hosted’ website builder, also known as a CMS (Content Management System). This is the website builder we will discuss in this article. 

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WordPress.org is an ‘open source’ website builder. This means that you have full ownership of your website, and so you have complete control over your website.

Some other benefits of using WordPress.org to build a PT website are:

  • Easy and quick to use, making it ideal for beginners to web design
  • You have complete control over every aspect of your website
  • You can easily add features such as en eCommerce store and booking systems, so clients can book sessions directly from your website 
  • It has a wide range of fitness-specific plugins such as weight loss tracker, BMI calculator and meal planner
  • Client-specific plugins such as live chat and bookings 
  • Other useful plugins such as social media links and Google Analytics  
  • Wide range of templates and themes within a dedicated ‘fitness’ category 
  • SEO tools available, so you can improve your personal trainer website SEO 

WordPress.org itself is free. However, you will need to also get the following, which come at a small cost:

These typically range from as little as £3 to £20 per month, depending on the level of service you require. 

One of the benefits of using WordPress is that it works with the biggest range of web hosts, so it will be a lot easier to find one that is compatible.  

  • A domain name– which we will discuss next in Step 2!

Step 2 – Choose And Purchase A Domain Name For Your Website

Once you have chosen your website builder, the next step in how to make a personal training website is to choose and purchase a domain name. 

A domain name is simply the name of your website that appears in your website URL. 

For example, here at OriGym, our domain name is ‘OriGym Personal Trainer Courses’. 

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In other words, it is the words that precede ‘.com’ or ‘.co.uk’. 

Your domain name is important as it is essentially how people will find you online, so it is important for your SEO. It should therefore be easy to remember and as close as possible to your business name. 

It is therefore a good idea to buy a domain name at the same time as when you register your personal training business. This is because you can make sure that a suitable domain is available for your business, so that they are the same, or as close as possible. 

Popular domain names may already be taken, or be very expensive!

If you have chosen WordPress as your website builder, you will have to purchase your domain name separately through specific domain providers such as GoDaddy and 123Reg

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Here are some tips for choosing your domain name:

  • Make sure that it is easy to spell, so that users can easily find your website
  • Make it short and catchy 
  • Avoid numbers and hyphens
  • Make sure that it is easy to pronounce, so that if you tell someone your website verbally they will understand. 
  • Use a domain extension such as .com, .co.uk, as this gives your website authority and makes you seem more legitimate. 
  • Keep it broad. For example, including the location in your domain name limits you to that specific location. Say you chose ‘personaltrainerbirmingham.com’, this means that if you move locations, your domain name would not be relevant! 
  • Make it relevant to your niche. Whilst you should keep your domain name broad so that it does not limit you, you should also make sure that it reflects your niche. 

A tip for helping you choose your domain name is to use personal trainer market research. Make a short-list of 3 domain names, and ask your family and friends which one they prefer! 

Step 3 – Pick A Theme For Your Personal Training Website

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By choosing a website builder, host and domain name, you have laid the foundations for creating a successful website. 

The next step in how to make a personal trainer website is to start making the website itself- starting with choosing a theme. 

Your theme is simply the stylistic design of your website, including features such as:

  • Font
  • Colour scheme
  • Layout

It is important to take the time to perfect your theme, as how your website looks is the first impression users will get. This essentially determines whether they stay on your website or leave, which could mean that you lose out on a potential client. 

For example, if a user is presented with a confusing layout, uncoordinated colour scheme and a hard-to-read font, they are unlikely to want to stay on your website very long!

Most website builders- including WordPress, will have a built-in library of themes to choose from. 

When you first set up your website on WordPress, you will automatically be given the default WordPress theme. However, since most websites will use this, if you want to stand out, you should customise and choose your own theme!

As you can see, there are over 10,283 themes in the WordPress theme library. You can also search a specific keyword to find a suitable theme for your business. 

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Given the huge range of themes, you can then search for specific themes, such as ‘personal trainer’, which brings up 53 themes:

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You can then click on a theme to explore it in more detail- as you can see, you can view things such as ratings, and even preview the theme on your website.

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You can then click on ‘Theme Homepage’ on the right-hand side, to be taken to the website of the theme’s creator and find out more information about the theme.  

There are lots of great free themes to choose from on WordPress, as well as premium themes that you pay for. 

If you have the budget, premium themes allow you to customise your theme more extensively, and you may also get access to more support from the theme creators. 

Another important thing to consider when choosing your theme is whether it is compatible with plugins.  

When wondering how to make a personal trainer website, some useful plug-ins to ensure that your theme can integrate are:

  • Email capture boxes- for collecting email addresses for your personal trainer email marketing
  • Booking system- to allow clients to directly book onto sessions
  • eCommerce store- to sell products such as merchandise
  • Payment processing- so clients can pay for sessions or packages
  • Social media integration
  • Traffic analysis e.g. Google Analytics
  • Live chat to answer potential client’s queries

Step 4 – Personalise Your PT Website

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Once you have installed the theme for your website, the next step in how to make a personal training website is to start to personalise it!

This is all easily done through WordPress (or your chosen website builder) once you have chosen and installed your theme. 

Personalising your theme is what will help your website really stand out and help you build a strong brand identity. Some of the main aspects you can personalise on your website are:

Tip #1- Include Your Brand Logo 

If you don’t already have a logo for your personal training business, then now is the time to make one!

This is one of the first things that people will see on your website, so it is important to ensure that it is as professional and effective as possible. 

You can either do this yourself using tools such as Canva and Photoshop, or hire a professional graphic designer to do it for you.

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We have a whole article here on personal trainer logo design tools and tips for how to create your logo. 

But in summary, your logo is a visual representation of your brand. The main forms it can take are:

  • A combination of an image or icon and your business name
  • Your business name in a graphic font

For example, this personal training business uses a combination of an icon and the business name as their logo:

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Whereas the website below is an example of a logo that is simply the business name:

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Once you have designed your logo, here are some tips for using a logo on your website:

  • Place it in the top right-hand corner or centre of the page
  • Make sure it stands out and is easy to read
  • Make sure it is a high quality .jpeg or .png image
  • Size your logo so that it is not too big or too small
  • Ensure that it appears on all pages, not just the homepage 
  • Ensure that it is consistent with your colour scheme- which we will discuss next! 

Tip #2- Use Consistent Brand Colours / Aesthetic

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As well as a logo, another thing you can customise within your chosen theme is your colour scheme. 

This should be consistent with your logo and your branding on other platforms, such as social media and other marketing. For example, if your logo is blue, you should use colours within this palette as your colour scheme!

Again, this makes your business appear professional and helps attract user’s attention. 

In fact, research has shown that the right use of colour can increase brand awareness by 80%! 

There is a lot of psychology behind the colours you use on your website, with certain colours evoking certain emotions or moods:

  • Yellow/orange- optimism, happiness, fun 
  • Red- power, strength, power
  • Blue- trust, stability, confidence
  • Green- balance, harmony, peace
  • Pink- calm, compassion, love

The colour you choose for when you build a PT website therefore depends on the mood and energy you want to convey about your brand, as well as your target audience. 

So, if you are a personal trainer specialising in intense strength training or powerlifting, you may want to use red as your main colour scheme- such as the example below.  

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However, if you are more of a wellness business focusing on things such as pilates or yoga, then colours such as green or pink may be more suitable- shown by this yoga studio website below:

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Tip #3- Include Social Media Links

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As we have said, within most WordPress website themes, you can incorporate a social media plug-in when you build a personal training website. 

So one thing that you will need to customise about your website is linking your website to your social media channels. 

Adding social media links to your website is important because:

  • It improves your SEO (i.e. how high up your website appears on Google results), by making it easier for potential clients to find your website.
  • Builds trust and shows authenticity- if your website is your more ‘professional’ front, directing users to your social media helps you show the ‘real’ you. 
  • Increases your social media reach and engagement- by directing users to follow you on social media, they are more likely to be exposed to your content on a more regular basis, rather than visiting your website on a one-off occasion. This therefore increases your brand awareness. 

How your social media links appear on your website is up to you and can be easily done within your chosen theme.

The most common way to include your social media links is through what WordPress calls a ‘social media block’. In other words, icons for each platform that contain a link directly to your profile. 

For example, this personal training business has included social media links in this way:

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Clicking on the Facebook icon, for example, then takes you directly to their Facebook page:

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Some website themes will also allow you to embed your social media feed itself into your website. 

For example, this personal training business has embedded their Instagram feed onto their website’s homepage. 

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This is a great way to include social media on your website as it not only helps increase reach and engagement to their social media, but it also increases the ‘dwell time’ of your website.

Dwell time is simply how much time users spend on your website, and a high dwell time will improve your SEO. 

So by including images from your social media directly on your website, users don’t have to leave your website to see your content! 

Wondering what kind of content to create on your social media? Check out our article on personal trainer social media for ideas and tips! 

Tip #4- Use High-quality Professional Images

Another important aspect to consider in how to make a personal training website is the images you use. 

The main thing to remember is that they should be of a high quality and professional. 

By this, we mean to avoid using generic stock images and instead use real photos of yourself. This shows potential clients that you are a ‘real’ person and makes you seem more authentic!

For example, this personal trainer has used a clear, high quality image of themselves on their website: 

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This gives her website authenticity, as she gives potential clients a clear visual image of exactly who their personal trainer would be. This makes her appear real and approachable, which are important traits of a good personal trainer

Step 5 – Design The Homepage Of Your Personal Training Website

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Now that you have installed your theme and personalised your branding, the next step in how to make a personal trainer website is to design your homepage.

This is the first thing that users- and therefore potential clients will see when they visit your website, so it is worth taking the time to get it right! 

If you have a strong homepage, users are more likely to stay and navigate to other pages of your website, or take action such as making an inquiry or even a purchase. 

If you don’t have a strong homepage, users are more likely to click the back button and leave your website without taking action, back to the Google search results. The percentage of users that do this is called your ‘bounce rate’. 

Having a high bounce rate will negatively affect your SEO- and therefore how well your website ranks on Google, since this tells Google that your page is not valuable or of a high quality. 

Users will usually leave a homepage for reasons such as:

  • Poor quality images and graphics
  • Hard-to-read font and text
  • Too many pop-ups
  • Slow loading time
  • Unorganised page layout 
  • Unclear what the page is about 
  • Not mobile-friendly 

So, what makes a good homepage? Here are some things to consider when you build a personal trainer website homepage: 

Tip #1- Include Your Logo and/or Business Name

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As we discussed earlier in this article, a key step in how to make a personal trainer website is designing your logo.

This is a key element of your homepage and should appear at the top of the page, either on the left-hand side or the middle. 

As well as your homepage, your logo should also appear on all other pages, and act as an internal link back to your homepage. 

This may seem like a small detail, but it makes the browsing experience a lot easier for potential clients, making them more likely to stay on your website and take the action you want them to take. 

If you’re using WordPress as your website builder, to add a logo, simply go onto your dashboard and click through the following steps: 

Appearance > Customise > Site Identity > Select Logo > Upload an image > Set As Logo > Save Changes 

Tip #2- Include a Navigation Bar/ Menu

This is simply the menu that appears at the top of your homepage listing the different pages and acting as internal links to them.

Like your logo, this should remain a feature on all pages, so that users can easily navigate to any page at any time. Again, this improves the browsing experience and makes people more likely to stay on your site, improving your dwell time.  

Plus, if users can easily find what they are looking for and stay on your website, they are more likely to take action! 

A good navigation bar should therefore be easy to read, clear and functional.

The navigation bar will usually appear across the top of the page alongside your logo, like it does in the example below. 

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As you can see, the headings are all clear, descriptive and easy to read, leaving no doubt to the user what each page is about. 

You can also use a vertical navigation menu, such as the one below:

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This is also an example of how you can ‘hide’ your navigation bar on your homepage, and have it ‘expand’ out if clicked on. 

This helps to keep your homepage clean and clutter-free, putting more emphasis on the ‘hero’ section- which we will cover next!  

To improve user experience even further, it is a good idea to use a sub-navigation bar when you build a personal training website. 

A sub-navigation bar is where users can find lower level categories of a website. In other words, more detailed and specific categories within your website. 

For example, when you hover over the ‘Services’ heading of this website’s navigation bar, you are then presented with 3 more subheadings, describing 3 types of services they offer.

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Using a sub-navigation bar like this helps make the browsing experience even easier for the user, as they can find exactly what they are looking for more easily and quickly. 

In this case, users can find a specific service in just one click away from the homepage. This is a lot easier for the user than having to navigate to a more general ‘Services’ page, and spend time searching for a specific service they are interested in. 

By reducing the steps a user has to take to find what they are looking for, the more likely it is that they will stay on your website and take action (i.e. sign up for that service). 

The design of your navigation bar- and the contents within it, are all easily customisable within WordPress. 

On your dashboard, simply navigate to: 

Appearance > Customise > Menus

You can then add a menu item, including its title and the internal link.

Enjoying this article so far? Here’s 3 more that we think you’ll love:

Tip #3- Include a ‘Hero’ Section

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When it comes to how to make a personal training website, one of the main things you should include on your homepage is a ‘hero’ section.

The hero section of the website is the main section of your homepage that appears underneath your logo and navigation bar. 

Your hero section should:

  • Tell users exactly what your business is about
  • Tell users what you can offer them 
  • Give them an action to take

This is particularly important if your website’s homepage is your personal trainer landing page. In other words, if it is the page that users are directed to from another source (e.g. social media), they should be able to know what your business is about straight away.

Again, this helps increase dwell time, improving your website’s SEO and making it more likely for users to take action.  

All aspects of your hero section can be edited from the Customise section of your WordPress dashboard. 

Your hero section is made up of some or all of the following:

  • A powerful headline
  • An informative sub-headline
  • A main image or video 
  • A Call To Action (CTA)

Let’s discuss each of these features of a hero section in more detail:

Tip #4- Include A Headline and Sub-Headline In Your Hero Section

This should essentially be a short description of your business and what services you offer. 

It should be eye-catching, concise and informative. 

For example, the personal training business is a great example of an effective headline in a hero section.

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As you can see, they have used the headline ‘Manchester Personal Training’ to very concisely convey what their business is about and where it is. 

They have then used just 3 words as their sub-headline, conveying their values and helping build their brand identity. 

This therefore leaves no doubt to the user what the business is about, making it more likely that they will stay on your website and take action. 

Tip #5- Have A Call To Action (CTA) In Your Hero Section

Where your headline and subheadline convey what your business is about, you now need to prompt the user to take action. 

This is called a Call To Action (CTA), as it is something that points the reader to take a specific action, such as:

  • Making an enquiry
  • Buying a product
  • Signing up to a class or session
  • Finding out more information

A CTA is therefore a clickable internal link to a section of your website where a user can take a specific action. 

Below is a great example of how to incorporate a CTA into your hero section:

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As you can see, the CTA here is ‘Start Today’. Clicking on this link then takes you to their Contact page, where you can submit an enquiry. 

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This therefore helps to direct a user directly from the homepage to making an inquiry in one single click! By making the navigation process as easy as possible for the user, they are more likely to take the action you want them to take. 

Tip #6- Use A High-quality Image or Video In Your Hero Section

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Your hero section should also include an image or video.

This usually acts as a background behind your headline and call-to-action, and spreads across the whole of the homepage.

As we’ve discussed, when you come to build a PT website, you should make sure that all images are high-quality.

You should also avoid using generic stock images- particularly for your hero image. 

Your hero images should be relevant, encapsulate your brand identity and be a reflection of the services you offer. So in this case, it should be an image or video to do with personal training! 

For example, below is an example of a strong hero image. It is high quality, clear and fills the screen. It is also dynamic and clearly shows a client and a personal trainer in a gym. 

It also doesn’t obstruct or detract from the text of the headline and CTA, as the text fits in between a fairly blank section of the image. It also has fairly neutral colours that fits with the colour scheme of the website, making it look clean and professional. 

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You can also use a video as the visual for your hero section. This gives users an even better insight into your business and brand. 

In fact, a study by Forbes indicated that embedding a video into your homepage can boost conversion rates (how many users make an inquiry or purchase) by 80%!  

For example, looking at the homepage of Roar Fitness, you can see that they have used a video in the background of their homepage. 

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However, remember that this kind of video acts more like a moving image in the background, rather than a full-length video that users will sit down and watch.

It should also be quick to load and mobile-friendly, so that it doesn’t harm the quality of the user experience. 

Check out our guide to personal trainer video marketing for more video-related tips! 

Other Additional Features To Include On Your Homepage

The hero section of your website appears at the top of the homepage, without the user having to scroll. 

Underneath this section, you should therefore include any other information you want users to know straight away without navigating elsewhere on your website. 

This entirely depends on the nature of your business and brand. However, when it comes to how to make a personal training website, some good things to include are:

  • Testimonials and reviews. Also known as ‘social proof’, including this on your homepages is a way to immediately establish trust and appear professional. 

Below is a good example of how you can embed this into your homepage:

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As you can see, this personal trainer has embedded video testimonials and a screenshot of their Google reviews. Users can then click the button to read or watch them further, so they are not taking up the whole homepage!

Check out our complete guide to personal trainer testimonials for more on the benefits of including them in your marketing. 

  • Further information about your services. After scrolling past your hero section which gives a summary of your business, you should then include some more detail about your services on your homepage. 

This should still be fairly brief and easy for the user to read because again, they will want to find what they want to know as quickly as possible!

This website is a good example of how you can use icons and small chunks of text to give more detail on your services:

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As you can see, they have briefly summarised their services in a few sentences maximum. However, you should include more detail about your services and packages in a dedicated page- as we will discuss in Step 6. 

  • Information about you and/or your team. Further down your homepage is also a good place to list some information about you and your team. Again, this should just be a brief outline, with more details being on an ‘About’ page of your website- which we will discuss next!

Here is a good example of how to include staff information on your homepage:

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As you can see, they have included a brief outline of their trainers, with the option to read more by clicking ‘Meet Trainer’. This then takes you to a more detailed page with a personal trainer bio for each member of staff.  

  • Capture box. This is simply a form that users fill in to provide you with their name and email address. For example, on OriGym’s website, our capture box looks like this:

This is a great way to generate personal training leads, as it means that you will then be able to target subscribers with email marketing. 

After all, if they are on your website and give you their email address, they are clearly interested in your services, making it easier for you to sell your packages to them and more likely that they will turn into a paying client!  

The best way to include a capture box is to use a specific capture box plug-in, such a MailPoet. Again, you can do this via the WordPress ‘Customise’ section. 

Finally, Add a Footer to The Bottom of Your Homepage

A footer is located at the bottom of your homepage, underneath your hero section and main body of content- such as the examples below:

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The main purpose of a footer is to act as a place for users to find information that they haven’t found from your main navigation menu. 

With this in mind, some features to include in your footer are:

  • Contact information (phone number, email address)
  • Location information 
  • Social media links
  • Subscribe box for newsletter/ email sign up box
  • A smaller navigation menu, or ‘sitemap’
  • Links to terms and conditions/ privacy policy
  • Copyright logo (if applicable)

Like the other aspects of your homepage, the footer is easily edited through the ‘Customise’ section of the WordPress site builder.

Step 6 – Additional Pages To Consider To Build A Personal Training Website

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Now that you have created a strong homepage, the final step in how to make a personal training website is to create any additional pages. 

Where your homepage should provide an overview of your business and the services you offer, additional pages serve to provide the user with more detailed information on specific topics. 

This is important as it means that users are able to find the information they are looking for without leaving your website. 

This then increases dwell time and therefore improves your SEO and rankings, as well as making it easier for a potential client to take an action such as make an inquiry. 

Whatever page you are creating, some essential things to remember to include across all pages are:

  • A Call To Action 
  • Clear and high quality images and videos
  • Clear and easy-to-read text
  • Brand consistency 

With these things in mind, some of the additional pages you should have on your website are:

Additional Page 1- Consider Adding a Services/Packages Page

This is an important page to include when you build a PT website, as it is where you list your services and where clients will actually make a purchase.

In fact, once on a company’s website, a survey found that 86% of visitors want to immediately be able to find information about their services and pricing. 

Your services page should therefore be easily accessible from your homepage. The best way to do this is to have it as a header on your main navigation menu- such as in the example below. 

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As you can see, these headings then have sub-navigation menus, where users can then click on a specific service. 

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Users can then click on a specific package for more information, where you should list things such as:

  • A breakdown of what the package includes
  • A breakdown of the package pricing
  • A CTA for clients to sign up
  • Images and videos 

Below is an example of how to include these features on your services page. As you can see, all the information is presented in a clear, easy-to-read way, leaving potential clients with no doubt about the package. 

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Additional Page 2- You Could Add an About Me Page

This is a chance for you to go into more detail about yourself as a personal trainer. You can therefore write this in more of a personal, story-telling tone compared to the rest of the copy on your website.

When wondering how to make a personal training website, including this personal element helps to make you appear more ‘human’ and authentic. This then increases users’ trust in you, making it more likely that they will stay on your site and make an inquiry! 

Some things to include in your About page are:

  • Your qualifications
  • Your ‘story’, e.g. why you became a PT
  • Your personal fitness journey 
  • Your business’ values and ethos 

Below is a good example of a personal trainer who has gone into detail about their own fitness journey. 

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She then goes on to outline her fitness journey, from when she started to where she is now as a personal trainer. 

Whilst you definitely do not need to go into that much detail, if you feel it is relevant, it can really help attract potential clients who may be able to relate what you have gone through!

If you are a business with several staff members, you can instead have a ‘Meet The Team’ page, such as the example below. 

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Users can then click on each individual trainer to find out more about them.

For more tips on how to write about yourself, check out our guide to writing a personal trainer bio here.  

Additional Page 3- Include Testimonials/ Reviews

Another essential page to have on your website is a testimonials or reviews page. 

This is important because when someone is choosing a personal trainer, one of the main things they will look at are testimonials and reviews from previous clients.

We have a whole article on personal trainer testimonials here. But in summary, the main benefit of them is that they build trust and show potential clients that you are a successful PT. 

Below is an example of a how you can include testimonials as embedded YouTube videos:

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Alternatively, you could simply insert written testimonials, such as the example below:

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Other Pages To Consider

As well as these essential pages, some other pages you may want to consider adding when you build a PT website are:

  • Blog, if you have started a fitness blog or write guest posts 
  • Contact page
  • Shop- if you have an eCommerce store selling merchandise or equipment etc.
  • FAQs

Step 7- Things To Do After Making A Personal Training Website

Now that we’ve covered how to make a personal trainer website, you may be tempted to think that the work stops there.

But in fact, you should be constantly working to maintain and improve your website, such as:

Track Your Website’s Traffic

Once you have created your website, you should then be constantly monitoring your website’s traffic (i.e. how many visitors it gets). 

This is essential, as it is ultimately what will tell you whether your website is effective or not!

The best way to do this is through Google Analytics, which can be installed as a plug-in on your website. 

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Google Analytics is free, easy to use and allows you to track your website’s traffic. It can also give you more detailed SEO-related statistics such as:

  • Bounce rate
  • Dwell time
  • Conversions
  • Page views
  • Pages viewed per session 

Knowing these statistics help you know what is working well and what is working not so well on your website. This means that you will know whether you need to make any changes, helping your website to keep growing and attracting potential clients! 

Promote Your Website On Social Media

build personal trainer website

Another important thing to do after you’ve created your personal training website is to promote it on your social media channels. 

This will help you direct users from your social media to your website. This is important because although social media is great for building brand awareness, its main benefit is as a way to direct users towards your website where they can make an inquiry or make a purchase! 

The main way to do this is by including a link to your website in your bio, or by including a link on a story or post. 

Check out our guide to getting personal training clients from Instagram for ideas on how to direct clients from social media to your website. 

Start A Fitness Blog On Your Website 

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When thinking about how to make a personal training website, you may not have thought about writing a blog. 

But in fact, this is a great way to drive traffic to your website and improve your SEO, by helping you get backlinks from other companies. 

A backlink is a direct link from another website that leads to your site. 

This makes Google rank your website higher because it shows that your website has authority and that the information you are providing is good enough to be used as a reference from another website. 

Some ways you can get backlinks from blogging are:

  • Writing product ‘listicle’ articles- in exchange for writing about their product, a company will give you a backlink from their website to yours. 
  • Writing guest blog posts- writing content for another website in exchange for a backlink to your own. 

Check out our complete guide to getting traffic from a personal trainer blog here for more tips and how to get backlinks through blogging! 

Before You Go!

So, that covers everything on how to make a personal trainer website! Feeling inspired? Take your personal training career to the next level by becoming a Level 4 personal trainer with OriGym!

Enquire today, or browse the full range of courses we offer by downloading our course prospectus here

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About the Author: Alice Williams

Alice OriGym Author
Alice graduated with a First-Class degree in French and Linguistics from the University of Leeds in 2019. As part of her degree, she spent a year living in France where she worked for a lifestyle blog, gaining professional experience in both translation and content writing. Alice is also a qualified yoga teacher, allowing her write from a place of expertise when it comes to yoga! When she’s not writing or practicing yoga, she also loves running, cooking and music!

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