Looking for a personal trainer email template for your business? Well, you’re in the right place!

When starting a personal training business, one of the most convenient ways to reach your clients is through email. That’s why we’ve created this guide to help you effectively engage, build relationships with, and retain your clients! We’ll cover:

Before we look in detail at some of the best personal training email templates, you can enhance your knowledge and develop new skills with a number of OriGym’s Level 4 personal trainer courses.

You can find out more about these and all of our personal trainer courses by downloading and browsing our course prospectus.

The Key Components of a Successful PT Email Template

When creating PT email templates, there are a few features which should always be included, regardless of the email’s purpose.

This is to ensure that you:

  • Reach as many clients and prospective clients as possible
  • Keep them engaged
  • Encourage them to act on the content of your email

All of this should be whilst you maintain a friendly, yet professional, tone!

A Personal Trainer Email Template Should be Personalised

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One of the most important components of a successful PT email template is personalisation.

Personalising an email for your client shows that:

  • You value their individual goals
  • You appreciate their current situation
  • You value your clients and are dedicated

As well as helping you to retain a loyal clientele base, this also allows you to build up a good reputation through word-of-mouth recommendations.

To personalise your emails, you should begin by using their name.

This will grab your client’s attention from the very beginning, and kickstarts a process of rapport building as a PT with your clients.

Moving on to the content of the email, you should also ensure that the points you make are relevant to their specific goals.

For instance, if their goal is to lift heavier weights, you shouldn’t include information about cardio but instead direct them to resources relevant to weight training.

Keep PT Email Templates Brief

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To keep clients engaged, your personal trainer email template that you use should be kept brief.

It can be hard for clients to digest long, rambling emails, meaning that they’re less likely to respond, or even read them, if you fail to keep it short. You could even lose clients as a result!

The best way to avoid this is to write in short, highly informative sentences which will hammer your point home in the shortest amount of time and space possible.

You should also break your email down into smaller paragraphs, rather than using one big block of text. 

As well as being more visually appealing, smaller paragraphs are more likely to keep your client engaged, meaning that they will read and absorb the whole email.

Maintain a Relaxed But Professional Tone Throughout Your PT Email Template

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In order to build a strong, lasting relationship with your clients, it’s important that you always come across as a friendly trainer who is on their side.

You should therefore ensure that the tone of your emails always remain friendly and relaxed, no matter the situation.

For instance, if a client misses a session and fails to inform you beforehand, you should avoid using accusatory language, which can come across as intimidating.

This could have the opposite effect of what you intended, meaning that they are less likely to respond or turn up for their next session!

Instead, try to remain relaxed, be understanding, and check in with them to see if everything is okay.

However, you should remember that they’re still paying for a service and what makes a good personal trainer is striking the right balance between being friendly and remaining professional. 

This means you should always ensure your spelling and grammar is correct and your language is appropriate for your clients!

Personal Training Email Templates Should Always Have a Subject Line

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When reading an email, the first things that we notice are always the sender and the subject line.

These components will determine whether or not we choose to open the email, or delete it straight away!

This is why you should always include a subject line in your personal trainer email template, and pay attention to its clarity.

Writing a subject for your email allows clients to know what to expect, meaning that they are more likely to read and take on board the information that is contained inside.

Without a subject line, emails can also look unprofessional, which will reflect on your reputation. Some emails can even go to spam without a subject line and so you risk your emails not reaching your clients!

Be sure to deliver on the promise of your subject line within the content of the email, and use it to demonstrate the value of your service to clients.

Add a CTA to Your Personal Trainer Email Template

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A call to action, or a ‘CTA’, is a button, image, or hyperlinked line of text that directs clients to respond immediately or take a particular action.

For instance, you could use a CTA in one of your Personal training email templates to direct them towards your social media pages. 

This will allow them to see the success stories that you share and see the results that you’ve had with previous clients. Consequently, this may encourage clients to keep booking sessions with you.

You could also include a button that allows clients or potential clients to join your mailing list. 

Subscribing to a newsletter means that they will receive regular correspondence from you, so they’ll be less likely to forget to book a session, or are more likely to take the plunge and join your team!

Another way that you could use a CTA in your personal trainer email template is to encourage clients to directly book a session or consultation with you, linking them straight to a page where they can do so.

To use CTAs effectively, be sure to only use one per email, so that you don’t overwhelm clients with too much information or direction.

You should also ensure that all CTAs are actionable, and include words such as download, click, or request. This tells clients exactly what they need to do in order to achieve the results that you are offering!

Below is an example of our own call to action, offering a 15% discount!

It’s clear what action we want people to take and tells them exactly what they’ll get if they click through!

Templates for Your Personal Trainer Email 

Now that you know the essential components to include, here are some personal trainer email templates for you to follow in order to build an effective flow of communication with your clients.

#1 Contacting a Potential Client After They Have Expressed Interest

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The first kind of personal trainer email template is one to use when responding to a client’s enquiry directly.

Responding to enquiries as quickly as possible is important, to ensure that your client doesn’t have a chance to find another coach before you’ve replied!

Replying quickly also gives clients a good first impression, and shows that you are eager to help them to achieve their goals.

Therefore, to be able to contact clients quickly and efficiently, you can save time by using personal training email templates like the example below:

Subject: Thanks for Your Enquiry

Hi [client’s first name],

Thanks so much for your enquiry!

I’m [your name], a qualified personal trainer specialising in [fat loss, strength training, CrossFit, etc] and I’d be happy to see if I can help you on your journey.

To help us get started, let’s have a one-to-one consultation where we can have a chat about your goals, and how I can help you to achieve them. Which date works for you? [insert a date and time], or [insert another date and time]?

See you soon,


#2 Use a Personal Trainer Email Template for a Follow-Up Email

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After going through an enquiry, consultation, and a follow-up, it can be disheartening when a client decides not to sign up for your services.

However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve completely lost a chance to work with them. You’ll still have a chance to get PT clients if you follow up with another personal trainer email template!

In fact, encouraging potential clients to reconsider shows that you care about them and helping them to reach their goals, and could play a role in changing their mind.

You need to find the balance, though, between being encouraging and being pushy. Remind clients of the help you could give them without seeming as though you’re pressuring them.

Subject: Still Wanting to Get Fit and Healthy with [Name of Your Business]?

Hi [Name of client],

It was great to speak to you on [day of consultation], and I wanted to just check in and see if you’re ready to get started on our journey together.

At [name of business], we know that choosing the right trainer for you is a big decision, and so we want you to know that we’re completely committed to creating a plan that’s perfect for you.

If you’ve got any queries or concerns, please don’t hesitate to drop me or the team at [name of business] an email at [email address] or a call on [phone number].

I hope to hear from you soon so that we can get the ball rolling on your fitness journey!

Kind regards,

[Your name]

#3 Follow-Up Email to an Enquiry You Can’t Get Hold of

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Part of the personal trainer job description is balancing a lot of different duties, one of which is chasing up enquiries that you can’t get hold of.

It’s vital that you pursue these enquiries to attempt to finalise a sale, and an email template like this one is a great way to press a potential client to sign on with you.

Subject: Let’s Get in Touch [Client’s name]

Hi [Client’s name], 

I hope you’re doing well. 

I received your enquiry on (insert date) and have tried to give you a call to discuss your fitness goals, but unfortunately we haven’t been able to connect. 

I’d love to be able to discuss your fitness goals, show you how I can help and get you to where you want to be. 

If you could kindly give me a call back on (insert number) or tell me a date and time this week to give you a call, that would be great!

Hope to hear from you soon. 

[Personal trainer business name]

#4 Welcome and Preparation Before a Client’s First Session

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No matter how ready they are to start on their personal training journey, life can sometimes get in the way, and your new client may forget about their first session.

To avoid this, be sure to reach out to your client just before their session to remind them:

  • What they might need to bring with them
  • What to expect
  • Motivation to begin their fitness journey

This template can be used as a follow up to your consultation session, confirming what you spoke about and allowing you to continue building a line of communication with your client.

After finding out how you can help them during your initial consultation, you can also use the template to confirm your services and emphasise your commitment as their new trainer.

This shows new clients that you are getting the ball rolling as soon as possible, taking their goals seriously, and are setting a good precedent for the rest of your journey together.

Subject: Are You Ready?

Hi [client’s first name],

It was great to meet you on [day of your consultation] and I’m excited for our first session together.

To ensure that you’re prepared for the session, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Eat a light pre-workout snack before you arrive. It’s important that you’ve got enough energy to perform at your best, without being too full to move!
  • Keep hydrated and remember to bring some water with you on the day
  • Arrive at your session well rested- aim for 8 hours of sleep the night before.

If you’ve got any queries, questions, or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out so that we can talk them through before your session.

I look forward to meeting with you on [date of session] to begin your fitness journey!

Kind regards,

[Your name]

#5 Following Up After a Client’s First Session Using a Personal Trainer Email Templatewriting personal trainer email template graphic

Checking in on your client after their first session is just as important as checking in beforehand. 

Messaging them using PT email templates such as the one below invites a client to share with you how they’re feeling and gives you some vital client feedback.

You can see what they enjoyed, and find out what you could perhaps do next time to improve the session, and alleviate any initial concerns that they may be having.

This is also a great opportunity to motivate your PT clients and encourage them to keep going despite any stumbling blocks.

Giving clients the chance to give feedback will help them to feel valued and will encourage them to book more sessions with you.

Subject: How Did You Find Your First Day [Client’s name]?

Hi [Client’s name],

After our great first session on [date of session] I just wanted to check in and see how you were feeling?

I hope you’re not aching too much but if you are, make sure to stretch, refuel, and get plenty of rest!

I’m looking forward to seeing you for our next session on [date].

See you soon,

[Your Name]

If you’re finding this article helpful, check out some of our others below about correspondence with clients and other PT business tips:

#6 Use Personal Trainer Templates to Remind Clients of Upcoming Sessions

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Even your most enthusiastic clients may forget about sessions planned, or struggle to motivate themselves to attend sessions.

However, these scenarios can be avoided if you use our personal email template to send your clients a reminder shortly before their session.

As well as reminding and motivating them, checking in just before a session shows your own dedication and attention to clients and their goals.

Subject: Reminder- Don’t Forget Your Workout Tomorrow!

Hi [Client’s name],

I’m checking in to remind you of our session tomorrow at [time of session].

In the meantime, get plenty of rest, remember to bring a bottle of water, and eat a snack beforehand!

Looking forward to the session,

[Your name]

#7 Personal Trainer Email Templates Checking up on a Client After a Missed Sessionpersonal trainer email signature 3 image

Unfortunately sometimes clients will miss a session without letting you know beforehand.Although this can be frustrating, the best way to respond is to check in with them afterwards, to make sure that they are okay.

Most likely people will cancel due to personal circumstances or forgetfulness. If you’re understanding then you’ll be fostering a good relationship with clients where they’re more likely to return, and less likely to be a no show again!

Using personal trainer email templates such as the one below will encourage them to come to their next session or try to rearrange the session that they’ve missed.

Subject: You Were Missed Today, [Client’s name]

Hi [Client’s name],

You were missed today at [name of gym], so I’m just checking in to see if everything is okay?

I know that sometimes life can get in the way and understand if you’re just having a bad day or if personal circumstances meant you couldn’t make it. 

As your personal trainer I’m here to help, so just drop me an email on [email address] and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

I hope to see you at your next session, but let me know if there’s anything that I can do in the meantime.

See you soon,

[Your name]

#8 Use a Personal Trainer Email Template to Encourage Client Referrals

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Another way of using email to boost your business is getting PT referrals from clients! This is where you offer an incentive for existing clients to refer their friends and family, encouraging them to use your training too!

As well as being a great way to build customer loyalty, it’s also a highly efficient, cost-effective method of gaining new clients.

Examples of incentives include:

  • A free session
  • Free group sessions with a friend who signs up
  • Discounted packages and block bookings

You can use a personal training email template like below, to introduce clients to these offers, encouraging them to refer friends and get the most out of the deal!

Subject: Bring a Friend and Get Rewarded!

Hi [Client’s name], 

As a small thank you for being a great client, I’m sending you a ticket which means that you can bring a friend along to our next workout, for free!

All you need to do is click here [insert hyperlink] to send the ticket to your chosen friend, select a date for your session, and enjoy.

Once again, thanks for your loyalty, and I’m looking forward to seeing you at the gym soon!

[Your name]

#9 You Can Use Personal Trainer Email Templates for Reconnecting with an Old Client

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One of the best, most cost-efficient ways to find new clients is to check in with previous ones. 

This is because you already have their information, some knowledge about their fitness experience, and have established a relationship with them at some point.

One email, written using the personal trainer email template below, may just be the thing that means you get personal training clients back on their fitness journey!

Subject: You’ve Been Missed, [Client’s name]!

Hi [Client’s name],

It’s been a long time since I last saw you at the gym and it’d be great to hear how you’re doing!

What’s new in your life? How’s work going? What are your current fitness goals?

I’d love to book in a consultation to discuss all of this and more.

I hope to see you again soon,

[Your name]

Before You Go!

Hopefully now you can see how simply, yet cost effective, using a personal trainer email template can be!

Don’t forget that one of the best ways to encourage new clients to sign up, and old ones to return, is by expanding your knowledge and expertise with Level 4 personal trainer courses.

You can learn more about these and all of OriGym’s personal trainer courses if you click here to download our course prospectus!          


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About the Author: Rebecca Felton

rebecca felton origym authour
Graduating from the University of Liverpool with a first-class degree in English, Rebecca’s combined passions for fitness and writing are what brought her to OriGym. Rebecca is a keen gym-goer and specifically enjoys lifting weights. Outside of fitness and writing, Rebecca enjoys cooking, reading, and watching the football.

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